Chaper 2: Research

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Authors Notes:

So the plan originally was to upload this on Monday, but then I got sick and stayed home from work, inspiration struck and suddenly I have chapter 3 finished and am more than inspired to write chapter 4 at the moment

The plan going forward is to keep at least one chapter in reserve as a buffer in case I don't get time to write so I can release chapters every Monday, but obviously I was super inspired this week so here's chapter 2 a little early, hope you guys like it!


For the next several months Izuku would go straight to his computer after school, coming up with more and more ways to word his questions to try and get the search engine to give him something relevant. He would go dozens of pages deep into his searches and the closest he'd gotten to what he was looking for were pre-quirk era movies and tv shows that explored the supernatural, but as cool as some of those were, they were fictional and he was looking for facts.

It wasn't until his mother confronted him about his excessive amount of computer time that he made any progress.

She had come to him with concerns about how much time he was spending on the computer, but when he'd told his mum that he was trying to research something from the pre-quirk era, but that he was having trouble finding what he was looking for, she had suggested that he try going to the library.

"The library is probably the best place to go to for pre-quirk era books, Izuku." She had explained, "I'm happy to let you go after school as long as you get home before six."

Izuku had happily agreed to the curfew and packed his notebook with him that day so he could go straight into research mode as soon as school let out.

And now he was standing in front of the entrance to the Musutafu Local Library, trying to catch his breath after outrunning Kacchan and his minions. Once he'd caught his breath he entered the library and marvelled at all the books. The library was certainly not the biggest in the prefectures, but to the almost six year old Izuku? It was huge! It would take him weeks, maybe months to go through all these books!

While Izuku was coming up with a plan to tackle all of the books, a librarian had noticed him and asked him if he needed any help.

"Ummm, do you have any books on magic or psychics?" Izuku asked.

The librarian smiled at him, "Of course we do," and led him towards a shelf in the children's section that had several books about magic tricks and tarot card reading.

Izuku frowned, but he didn't want to be rude so he mustered up a big smile and thanked the librarian, who nodded and returned to the front desk. Once she was out of sight, Izuku started roaming through the bookshelves trying to find the non-fiction section.

Of course once he had found the non-fiction section he was faced with his first obstacle. The books were organised alphabetically by author, not title, which meant he couldn't just go to the Ms for magic or the Ps for Psychics. He'd have to go shelf by shelf and read every title and blurb until he found the books that were relevant to his search.

He could try using the library's online catalog to search for books, but if he'd learned anything these last few months it was that even if you knew exactly what you were looking for, search engines weren't always helpful, nevermind if your search was super vague. No, he didn't think that the catalog would narrow down his search enough to be helpful and he didn't want to potentially skip over any books, he needed to be thorough.

He started with the As, reading every title and blurb as he went. He had grabbed a basket at some point and put any books he thought were promising in it so he could check them out. He was about a third of the way through the As before he decided that he had enough books to go through for the time being. He noted down what part of the As he was up to before hauling his basket of ten rather thick books to the front desk.

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