"No, baby, it's just... there are so many weirdos out there and you are too pretty to be walking home alone," he says. I laugh at him, "Okay, Reece."

"No, I'm serious, Lorna," his stern voice stops me from laughing more. "I'll ask Austin or Connor to drop you home on the days I can't, okay? You are not to go home alone."

I can see the worry in his eyes and his body is tense, which concerns me. "What's going on, Reece?" I ask.

"Nothing, baby," he replies, pulling me closer into him and cupping my face. "I just want to make sure you get home safely, that's all. I'll pick you up every morning and bring you to school, even if I'm not going in. Just promise me you won't go home alone."

His eyes flicker back and forth between mine. He is worried about something, and he won't tell me. He has that look in his eyes.

"The same look he had after we left my house on Friday, following his conversation with my dad. Something must have happened or my dad said something. I'll ask him when I get home." Reece is still looking at me, waiting for my answer. "Okay, I promise," I say, smiling reassuring him, I stand on my tiptoes, lean up, and peck him on the lips. I try to pull away, but of course, Reece grips the back of my head and deepens the kiss.

"Jesus, do you two ever stop?" We hear Austin's voice from behind. I feel my face heating up as we pull away from each other. Reece throws him a side-eye. "Do you always have to show up where you're not wanted?" Austin pouts, saying it's a public school, and he can go wherever he wants. He mentions he's heading to get Connor to go to the skating park asking if Reece wants to join them. But Reece declines, saying he's going training after dropping me off.

"Go have your shower. I'll wait for you in my car," he tells me, pecking me on the lips. "Bye, Austin," I say, turning away and walking into the school. "Bye, blondie," where's my kiss though,he shouts after me.

"I was just joking," I hear him yell as I enter the school. Reece must have punched him again, causing me to giggle.

Reece drops me home after, telling me he'll come over after training. He knows my mom and dad go out on Mondays. Mom goes to her book club and dad plays snooker with his old buddies from college. Sometimes they meet up after and have a few drinks together. I tell him it's fine to head home. I'm just going to finish my assignment and watch some TV. "Great," he says, "you can help me with my assignment too. I'll bring some takeout." Giving me his signature smirk.

"Ugh, fine. You're being very strange and clingy," I say, rolling my eyes. "It's only because I want to spend time with you, baby," he says, giving me his puppy-dog eyes, causing me to laugh out loud. "Reece, we've practically been stuck to the hips lately." "I don't mind being stuck to your hips," he replies, smirking at me again, Of course, he has to turn it into something dirty. I lean in to give him a kiss. "I'll see you later." "Yes, you will," he teases, biting my lip and then licking it.

As I pull away, I hear him snigger. "Looks like we have another audience," he says, looking out the window. I look in the direction he's looking and spot my mom and dad staring at us. My dad doesn't look too pleased, and mom has a huge grin on her face. I see my dad mouth something earning him a slap on the arm,from my mom, causing him to yelp.

"Great, now I'm going to get a lecture from my dad. He has that 'Lorna, we are going to talk' look on his face."

"I'll see you later, baby," Reece grins at me, as I step out of the jeep, he then drives off. "Yeah, you just leave me to deal with these two. Thanks a lot!" I yell after him. He just waves and speeds off.

As I get closer, I look at my parents. "Please don't," I tell them as I pass them quickly into my house.

"Lorna," I hear my dad call after me. "Leave her be," my mom tells him. "But...but nothing. You remember when we were their age. You wouldn't keep your hands to yourself. You still don't," she giggles. "Oh god, I'm going to my room!" I yell before I hear anything more I don't want to hear.

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