13) Bodyguard Jeon -6

Start from the beginning

Jungkook furrows his brow.

"What do you mean tae? "  he says.

"Jungkook please stop, I know you since years now. And so I know when you are upto something okay??? Why are messaging me and running around me constantly? What's going on? You have anything to say to me???"

"Tae it's nothing like that. I'm just—"

"Are you perhaps trying to sympathies me??? Are you trying to be my friend again?? Then please no jungkook. I don't want to be your friend anymore."

Taehyung's eyes welled up with tears, jungkook gasps.

"I feel more then just friends for you, and so please let me cherish those feelings. I don't want you to be my friend. Please" Taehyung hiccups as he cries.

Jungkook immediately cupps taehyung's cheeks.

"Hey hey, Tae. I'm not trying to befriend you at all. I respect your feelings and I don't want you to keep them aside and behave as a friend to me. I just—"

Jungkook wipes out his tears and his arms are then wrapped around taehyung's waist, his nose nuzzling his neck.

Jungkook breathes in Taehyung's soft cheery perfume.

"I just want you. "

Taehyung gasps.

"Want me? As in—sex? "

Jungkook laughs

"No, what?? No not like that. I meant. I don't know things are so weird lately. I keep missing you. I keep thinking of you. I hate it when you are with Namjoon, I hate it when he have his arms around you. I hate it when you had his tiffin and not mine. I hate it when you give that boxy smile to him and not me tae. I keep on thinking about you when I'm on work , when I'm home, everywhere.its just you. I don't know. "

There's deep silence before, taehyung shrieks in Jungkook's arms.

Jungkook presses soft tender kisses on taehyung's shoulder and then on his neck.

"It might be because I told you about my feel—"

"No it's not. On my first day with woo, I should have been so much happier that I have got to work with him finally, but all I thought was how you were so much pretty then him"..

Taehyung gasps as jungkook presses a another kiss behind his ear

" I wanted to click his pics in my camera you gifted. But all I did was to capture you on set. You were so pretty. I missed you for some reason I have no idea why. "

Taehyung gulps.

"May be because of the attachment we had with each other for years, may be that's why—"

"I like you"  Jungkook mumbles, his arms traveling from Taehyung's waist to his hips.

"I like you, not as a friend but as Man. I realized that late, but I did"

Taehyung furrow his brows.

"And what made you think, you still hold a chance??? Why do you think I have not moved on from you?? "

Jungkook's eyes drakens, his fingers traces thr soft skin beneath taehyung's silk top.

"Have you moved on? " He asks.


Jungkook presses his lips on Taehyung's cheeks, smothering baby kisses there and then he stops near his lips.

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