Chapter 7: Memories lost, and memories found

Start from the beginning

The professor had one more of the boys belongings in his hand when the bathroom door creaked open. Not knowing what to do, the potions master held Potter's belonging in his hands. As the boy walked into the hallway and into his new room. The potions master pretended that he was looking out of the window. Slowly turning around the professor bid Harry goodnight and a good sleep.

Snape went into his own room placing Potters book onto his bedside table. He would have to place the book back into the backpack in the morning. Whilst looking at the book, Snape heard a knock on the door which shocked him into dropping the book onto the floor.

Opening the door, Harry stood in front Snape holding up a wand; Snape's wand which was left in Harry's room. The professor snatched the wand out of the boys hands and bid him goodnight again. Snape sat on his bed looking at his wand, he would really need to be more careful from now on. Looking at the ground where the book fell, he finally saw the contents which spilled out.

Picking up the book he realised that it was the journal that Potter was writing in back at the manor. Picking up what fell from the journal he realised they were letters.

Laying the plain letters aside, Snape decided to invade the boys privacy and read what was in the journal. After finishing the short 10 pages, Snape realised that Potter had different theories on the contents in the letters.

Shocked, Snape realised that one of the letters was written from Lily to her son. The boy had yet to figure out who the other letters were for. Lifting up the letters he cast spell after spell on each of them. Finally after casting his own spell, only 1 of the letters glowed and lit up.

Written on the letter was "To Severus, Love Lily". Snape stared at the letter for 10 minutes not moving. Why would Lily be writing to him? Severus wondered. Trying to open the letter, he realised that he could not; it was sealed with magic. Even his spells would not let him open the letter. Severus sat in bed until 3 in the morning trying to think of any charms that Lily had made. Lily was always very proficient in charms, and would always create her own spells. The potions master had the spell on the tip of his tongue, yet he could not seem to perform the spell; he did not know why.

Harry, in his room was quietly trying to fall asleep. He did not really understand what happened today, his mind still foggy. He tried to remember what happened over the summer but could not. He vaguely remembered being at Sirius', then only a smidge at Snape manor. He honestly was confused; he had lost most of his memories from the Summer. Looking out of the window, he snuggled up under the sheets and drifted off into sleep. Not knowing that the potions master had read his journal, and solved another one of the letter's mysteries. At this point in time, Harry did not even remember anything about writing said journal or the letters; he was completely oblivious.

At precisely 4:30am Severus solved his dilemma, and cast the spell over his letter. Using his fingers he ripped open Lily's letter to him. 'Even the letter smells like her' Snape thought, the smell of daisy's wafting into the room. With shaking hands Snape held the letter, sat back against his headboard; and started to read.


Dear Severus,

If you are reading this then I am most likely dead, and not able to say any of this in person. I firstly want to start by saying that I love you, and always will. This letter will confuse you if you do not swallow the golden leaf attached to this letter. The leaf will bring back all of the memories that I obliviated from you. Now I know you will be confused and more likely angry.... Thank god I'm not there right... ha-ha.

Sorry, that was not funny; you know, just trying to lighten the mood.

Alright, please swallow the leaf and read on from here....

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