@l4ndonorris- mastermind

541 13 2


part IV.


It's a kind of adrenaline rush that slaps him when she looks at him, when she shakes her head, as if she can't believe what is about to happen. The kind Lando is only supposed to feel when hes on the grid.

Not when he's at a cafe with a near stranger. Sure, it felt like someone was waving a big, fat, red flag in his face, but in all honesty, what choice did he have?

He squints slightly, trying to match her face to somewhere. He knows he's seen this girl before, but he cannot FOR THE LIFE OF HIM remember where. She has to be famous, right?

Nike doesn't sign just anyone.

Racking his brain for her, he keeps coming up empty.

Spencer Karenina-Cheng.

Spencer Karenina-Cheng.

Spencer Karenina-Cheng.

Charles and Carlos.

Those godforsaken Ferrari drivers, and Carlos' girlfriend. That's it. Spencer has to know them.

Lando convinces himself that is the only reason she's tagged Ferrari in her posts and follows Carlos.

She just knows Carlos, Charles, and what looks like a good third of the grid well enough for him to follow her back.

As Lando scrolls, he sees tons of pictures featuring Spencer in a tutu, or pointe shoes.

Sometimes both, or she's out with friends in some dimly lit restaurant, her eyes shining with happiness.

Some are movie premiers, where she's smiling brightly or laughing at the camera.
It clicks.
She's a ballerina.
He's seen her posters, he's sure of it.
Black Swan.
With a beaming smile and almost eerily recognizable face, all the movies and trailers for her upcoming projects flutter back to him.

Lando wonders why he hasn't met her sooner, why Carlos or Charles hasn't introduced him to Spencer.

They all joke that Lando has a type, but Spencer seems to be the prettiest girl he's seen, ever. He seems to forget everything important whenever her eyes flit to him. Maybe Carlos was right... and he was turning into a Muppet.

"No real feelings." He nods, brushing his thumb to his bottom lip in thought.

Spencer thinks that 'No real feelings' is suddenly very hard when she stops watching his lips.

But love is messy. Love is uncertain. Love isn't in the cards for her right now.

Love isn't Lando.

"Right, you cannot, under any circumstances, fall in love with me."

Her hair is a dark brown that warms up her bright face to a soft glow. He's staring at her, trying to figure out what this means.

"You seem awfully cocky, Nina, this goes both ways." Lando offers a sly smile, easing her nerves as he checks over the post one last time.

It's simple, a launch, just a hint that they were definitely more than friends.

One of the pictures is from a lunch they've just attended, now hiding out at a dingy cafe not even a block east. It's enough to know it's her, smiling shyly. There's a few of her dancing that she hasn't posted, since it's meant to be a post based on Lando's excitement to tour and start the season with her.

The last one makes him queasy for some reason, as if there were a thousand little butterflies in his stomach.

Butterflies, that's what they are, you idiot.

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