The Past

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Kiyu's POV:

I could remember it clearly, I mean who couldn't, after what happened anyone would. It was multiple years ago, most of our family doesn't speak of it. Although it seems like were fine from it, we aren't. Not even me.

After that happened I move to America, like right after. When I say right after I mean like a few months after. Though for me it seemed like a few days, as I said we were all young. Probably 2 or 3. My mom was kinda depressed, my dad ended up dying when that happened. How about I just explain what happened.

Past Kiyus POV:

It was a family gathering, up until now they were fairly common around holidays. Kiyu never really liked them, but she at least got to see all her cousins. "Gan Shaun, how you been? " Kiyu asked while looking at the slightly taller but younger Mo Guan Shan. "I-i good. " They couldn't say words properly because they were newly toddlers, but they still slightly understood each other. "Kiyu how about you say hi to your aunts and uncles, come on. " Kiyu was dragged away by her mother. They were all about to go to a restaurant and eat together for the family event of the sorts. She groaned as she was getting dragged. A bit later they went to the place, she couldn't remember the name, only what the place looked like.
The kids always sat somewhat near their parents, but always more close to each other. Everyone was small chatting, it was going great. They ended up ordering food. The kids got what ever they had on the kids menus while the adults got stuff like lobster, and crab. Everything was good until, people came in, with guns. They were looking for my uncle. Her father died in the process though. She always held a grudge towards Mo Guan Shan ever since. Unluckily she wasn't the only one who lost a parent, Moko. The youngest cousin at the time, his sibling wasn't born yet. His father died trying to protect his mother, who was pregnant with Liklo. Morisuke's mother ended up in the hospital for almost a year afterwards. Takahiro's father would end up coming home drunk afterwards and abused him, while his mother just watched, scared to get in the way. Guan Shan's father ended up getting arrested, he was the reason why her father was dead. His own siblings, dead. All because he decided to do some dumb shit. She believed both herself and Moko had a reason to be pissed at Guan Shan.

Moko's POV:

He moved back to where he lived before "that" happened. His cousin, Mo Guan Shan still lived here. He held a grudge against him. He knew it wasn't his fault, but he couldn't help it. Now it was his first day of school, he ended up seeing Guan Shan bump into some blonde haired kid. "I see he became a dick. " He thought to himself as he witnessed them declare to fight after school. He had to see this, either Guan Shan would get his ass whipped, or he'd see some rando getting his ass whipped. Either way he'd like to see that, just from a distance to not get caught in between the fight. Now he just had to get to his class. He walked in and some eyes landed on him, it slightly freaked him out. Then his eyes went on the one person he hoped he wouldn't see until after school. His cousin, Mo Guan Shan. "Fuck... " He mumbled thinking out loud. "You must be Mo Moko right? " The teacher asked, then HIS eyes went on him. He wanted to stab him right here and there, the second they made eye contact. They both had rage in their eyes, for different reasons. Moko's is already clear. Meanwhile Guan Shan's was because they hadn't talken in multiple years, then all of a sudden he comes back. With no warning should he add, but he didn't have time to deal with that today. He had to deal with that blonde haired prick.

Mo's POV:

It was last class of the day. He couldn't wait anymore, his rage boiled inside of me. It had ever since he saw Moko, that bitch. "Did auntie even tell mom? I guess that doesn't matter now." He saw that prick near the basketball court. He went to get his buddies, he had no more patience. He walked in front of, them? Oh, it was the black haired dude from before, and a dirty blonde haired dude. He walked up to them looking the kid dead in the eyes. "Don't be so nervous~. I'm only after this kid here~. " "School isn't over yet~ what are you in such a hurry for... " He said slyly. "I never agreed to wait until school's over~" He whispered in a mocking tone. "If you are a man then fight, one on one. " The tone in his voice getting slightly pissed. "Oh... ~ you're right~." Mo grabbed him by the neck, tightening his grip out of anger and pushing him against the fence. Hiss eyes widen in shock as he feels a strong grip on his wrist. "You'll have to beat me first... " In the slight distance he could hear his buddies. "You overestimate yourself. " and "Take him down. " immediately afterwards he heard the black haired dude. "Hey~ hey~, didn't we say it'll be one on one. " They looked like they were gonna run up and fight with him. "Don't even think about going over there.. " The second he stopped talking they were fighting. No started going for the punch, but he dodged it. The dude ended up grabbing his collar and pushing him to the ground. He grunted as he got pushed. He was pinned to the ground and the dude looked like he was gonna beat the pulp outta him... Then he didn't, he just gave him a warning. "If you dare lay a hand on him... I will never let you off. " He then raised his fist, ready to punch him. He had to defend himself, he had to... He grabbed the collar of the other, and flipped him over. The other had different plans however, he flipped them back over and punched him in the face. However Mo Guan Shan had found something to turn the tides into his favor. He found a rock, he instantly knew what to do with it and smacked the other in the head with it. Blood instantly spewed where he hit him. He flew off of him, knocked out. Everyone stood there in shock. However, when he was walking out of school he had been told he was suspended for fighting. "Fuck, how could that happen, I made sure no one was insight. " Although he did before the fight he didn't while the fight was happening.

(Omg I did it I made it to my goal of over 1000 words tysm for reading and I'll see ya again next week)

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