how jennie went from oblivious idiot to shameless girlfriend in three days

Start from the beginning

Perhaps, Jennie considers, the best approach is to be direct and just ask.

"Lisa, do you like someone?"

Lisa freezes and Jennie nearly walks into her, bracing herself against Lisa's chest and looking up at her. Lisa's face has gone still, but her ears flush and her lips have parted, and Jennie oddly feels her heart sink. Oh. Oh, it is true. Lisa does like someone.

"I," Lisa says, and the panic in her voice is almost adorable. "I..."

"You do like someone!" Jennie exclaims, and Lisa's ears redden even more.

"Uhm... yeah I do," Lisa breathes, watching Jennie so intently that Jennie almost forgets what she's meant to say. Right. Who Lisa likes.

"Who is it?" Jennie asks, and Lisa's gaze seems almost incredulous. "What?"

".... Jennie," Lisa says, her sigh slight, but audible, and she steps away, leaving Jennie to feel strangely bereft for a moment. "Figure it out for yourself."

"I will," Jennie says, never one to resist a challenge and Lisa's look is downright pained. "Have some faith in me, Lisa! I'm a genius!"

Lisa just sighs again.


It takes Jennie a few hours to admit defeat to herself. Despite asking every fellow student she could find, all Jennie has discovered is that she herself is apparently the only one considered close to Lisa apart from Lucas, who is Lisa's younger brother and therefore not an option.

Perhaps Lisa is very shy about her crush, Jennie considers. Perhaps she doesn't know how to approach the situation. After all, Lisa is often (unfairly) viewed as aloof and arrogant, and only Jennie actually knows how great and caring she is. Perhaps Lisa is afraid of being rejected.

Perhaps Lisa could use some help. Okay, so Jennie might not be an expert at relationships, given she has never had a proper one, but she has a reputation as a flirt, and surely, surely, she can help Lisa with the flirting part.

After all, Lisa is so great, always making sure Jennie has her favorite meal for lunch, helping her with her studies, coming to parties just to hang out with Jennie, always willing to listen to whatever Jennie wants to talk about. If Lisa likes someone, Jennie is going to make sure Lisa gets that someone, no matter who it is – be it a boy or a girl (these are modern times, after all, and Lisa has never really indicated her preferences, so Jennie decides to keep an open mind).

She falls asleep with newfound determination, and dreams of chasing rabbits, and never quite catching them.


"Good morning, Jennie," Lucas says as she opens the door. "I'm afraid Lisa left early for class today."

"I know," Jennie says. She made certain to stop by the flat the Manobans siblings share at a time she knew Lisa has class, after all. "I was hoping to speak to you."

Lucas nods, letting her in and guiding her to the kitchen. "Tea?"

"Thank you," Jennie says. She sits by the counter and watches as Lucas makes tea, then accepts the offered cup. As expected, it is really good – unexpectedly, it is rather spicy, unlike the tea she had at the time she was here. "New blend?"

"I believe Lisa made it for you especially," Lucas says, as if guessing what Jennie is thinking.

Jennie grins. "Did she? Your sister is just the best."

Lucas smiles. "I agree."

"Right," Jennie says, taking another sip. It really is a very good tea. "Lucas, I... I think Lisa likes someone."

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