Nicholas Ruffilo (same open request)

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Nicholas P.O.V

I know when she gets bad again, she replies in short remarks, her whole demeaner if you know her well enough changes. I can see her laying on her bed staring at the celling with just moon light creeping in through the blinds. I knock lightly and she looks up at me.

Y/N when did you relapse?

A week ago, I think, but Im. Okay.

Are you really, okay? Y/N I want to help you through this but Im not sure how to. Will me sitting with you in silence or we can talk help?

Im fine Nicholas.

I know your not fine Y/N. Please dont lie to me, darling Im here for you no matter what I dont care if it takes the rest of our lives. Im with you for you even the dark is beautiful. I kiss her forehead softly and help her to the tub and wash her body and hair knowing this is one thing to help her depression

I truly dont know how to thank you Nicholas.

If you ever want to harm your self again let me tattoo you instead. Speaking of I drew one up for you I just finished it to cover the scars you hate. Even though I find it proof of how youve faced the Devil and made it out alive. Not many can do that Y/N, however I want you to feel beautiful and confident in your skin and have happy memories attached to it vs sad ones. I tell her as she slips into short sleeves and short, when she finishes, I start braiding her simi wet hair. I finish up seeing a smile softly on her lips. I slide her the tattoo drawing I was thinking of from random times she mentioned ones she wanted done or parts of ones.

Nicholas it is perfect! She says lighting up fully as her plays one her favorite songs to Dance to.

Come on/n darling dance with me.


Please. I give her a puppy dog eye look and she roll her eyes while accepting my hands we danced on n off all night ate random junk food she had in her house.

I bet I can beat you at Mario cart.

Oh, are you challenging me dear y/n? I ask softly teasing as she pops the rest of her (your favorite snack or whatever u think for here I think smores)

Yep she says popping the P

Y/N P.O.V.

After hours of talking laughing acting like teenagers and him allowing me to win at Mario Kart even though he claims he didn.t I look at his gray eyes while we finally lay in bed.

Thank you, Nicholas, for everything.

Thank you for becoming mine y/n. Ive never been happier then when Im with you. You are the best thing to ever come into my life. If you let me, Ill tell you for the rest of our lives. For now, my love try to rest and know Im always here.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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