apple picking

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Amelia huffed as she lifted the small woven basket of freshly picked, honey-crisp apples, handing it to Lucia's youngest sister Luz, who took it with a grin. Speaking of Lucia, the little witchlet has not seen her girlfriend in over five minutes and knowing Lucia, she was probably doing something stupid. Girlfriend. The word summoned butterflies in her belly. Lucia had asked to officially start dating in the silliest and best way a kid could manage. It was adorable and how Lucia entered the field made her giggle. They have only been dating for... Probably a month and a half, but it was the best month and a half Amelia had ever been apart of. Except when they first met, that was amazing too.

But now, her loveable and, admittedly, temperamental, (she's working on it) girlfriend is no where to be seen. Luz and Luca tumbled down the small, hilly patch of forest the apple trees sat on, giggling as they rolled over each other. Amber looked from Amelia to the basket to her the sisters before running off to join them. The witchlet hummed, a soft breeze passed by, nearly exposing her pointed elf like ears. She covered them with her soft and fluffy auburn hair and turned back to the trees. She knelt down by a pile of orange, yellow and red leaves and started picking one, turning it in her hands. She smiled, letting the breeze take her leaf. The girl turned back to her colorful pile and just sat there, fiddling with her chilled hands. 'where are they?' Amelia wondered, now noticing her best friend Willona was also missing. 'doing something stupid.' Her mind grumbled. Those two were always doing something that's ends up poorly, for the most part.

Amelia's golden eyes wondered down the hill, seeing Luz and Luca tackle each other while amber and Willona's little sister Paulina, shouted at them. She giggled, "don't hurt each other!" She called out to the wrestling sisters. "No promises!" The both shouted back, Luz shoving her sister into some leaves, not without dragging her down with a fit of giggles with her. Amelia chuckled, an affectionate smile creeping up on her face. With another gust of chilly wind, her cheeks turned red, redder than earlier, but she has been out for a while. Amelia sighed and stood up, wiping any leaves off her jean dress.

A crack and shout above her made her jump.

"Eep!" She squeaked in surprise, looking behind her as a groan emerged. 'ah. There she is.' She in question, was Lucia, leaves in her dark brown locks as she rubs her head, grumbling. Dark eyes wonder up to Amelia, immediately brightening. "Hey Amelia," she grinned, holding her hand out. "I got ya somethin'" she unfurled her palm to reveal a flower. Another flower. Lucia had made a habit of gifting the witchlet a flower, ever since when they first met, which was in the winter. The human looked down into her palm to she the slightly wilted flower in her palm. "Well shit." The young human cursed. Amelia would've scolded her for cursing, because at this age, they really shouldn't have come to terms with the 'naughty words', but Amelia didn't care for scolding her girlfriend. Instead, she brusted out in a fit of giggles, a hand covering her mouth.


Words- 559

Lol, writers and art blocks go brrr.

No but seriously, I've gotten a writers block over 5000 words in "that's no alpha, that's a god" and I'm pissed at my self :,) so now I share with u little one shots from my main au for the owl house!! :D

The Christmas kids one shots :pWhere stories live. Discover now