Love Beneath the Battle

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BEBE Lusher x Reader
Thank you @angshit for requesting and I hope you like it.

The day of the Street Woman Fighter battle had arrived, and the excitement in the air was evident.  Jam Republic and BEBE, two legendary crews in the street dance world, were about to face off in an epic showdown. The rivalry between the two was well-known, but what the world didn't know was the secret love story that had been unfolding behind the scenes.

You looked at your closest friends and fellow dancers, Kirsten, Latrice, Ling, Emma, and Audrey, while the members of Jam Republic got ready for their show. They had been your confidants in the secret romance with BEBE's sub-leader, Lusher, and you two had a connection that went beyond the dance floor.

"Nervous?" whispered Kirsten, the leader of Jam Republic, as she leaned in.

You nodded, feeling both nervous and excited at the same time. "It's a big day, and there's a lot depending on this."

Ling said, "Y/N, just don't forget to have fun. We've got your back."

Your crew members' love and support gave you more confidence. You nodded to each other and returned your focus to the performance that was ahead. The Jam Republic was known for having amazing routines, which combined many dance forms to highlight the members' wide range of skills.

The crew entered the stage and began moving as a single unit as the music began to play. Your performance was a burst of creativity and excitement, with the audience following your every move. Lusher gazed at you with a mixture of attraction and admiration as she observed from the sidelines.

There was no denying the two crews' chemistry as the fight went on. The dancers pushed themselves to the utmost, resulting in a brilliant tapestry of passion and rhythm. Lusher was dancing with BEBE, and you couldn't help but get glimpses of her, her charisma and energy captivating the audience.

Your eyes repeatedly locked with Lusher's during the battle, and the unspoken feelings that flowed between you gave the performance a deeper meaning.  There was a strong undercurrent of love between you despite the intense rivalry.

The audience exploded in cheers as Jam Republic's performance came to an end, and you and your crew members grinned triumphantly. With the audience excitedly awaiting BEBE's routine, the tension was high as the group took the stage for their performance.

Bada led her crew with a surpassing intensity but Lusher's presence captivating the judges. Her movements were smooth and mesmerizing, showcasing the unique style that had made her a standout dancer. Your heart swelled with pride as you watched her from the shadows.

This battle went on, and every second that went by raised the stakes. It was impossible to ignore the significance of this day, not just for the crews but for your secret love. Every glance shared with Lusher was a silent affirmation of the feelings you held for each other.

As the battle reached its climax, BEBE took the stage for their final performance. The group performed an amazing choreography, and the audience was in awe. Lusher's enthusiasm was contagious. The stage was her territory, and she was a powerful presence.

As BEBE's performance came to an end, the audience let out a loud cheer, realising what amazing talent they had just seen. The judges huddled together to make their final decision.

In the end, the judges delivered their verdict. The winner was BEBE, and Jam Republic accepted the loss with grace.BEBE celebrated their victory, the thrill of the battle still coursing through their veins.

Even if the world was blind to the love that had grown out of the rivalry, it was a strong force that endured.

While the crews were gathering backstage to exchange words of appreciation and gratitude, Lusher took a moment to bring you aside in private. She leaned closer, her smile lovingly and little mischievously filled.

"Y/N," she whispered, her breath warm against your ear. "I knew we'd win, and I knew we'd have a moment alone."

You smiled, drawn to her irresistible charm. "You always have a plan, don't you?"

Her eyes brimming with desire and love, she nodded. "I can't help it. I've been planning to do this for a long time."

She then drew you closer together, her lips meeting yours in a passionate, joyful kiss. Even if the world may not have fully understood the depths of your love, it was worth every moment spent in secrecy and glanced at from a distance.

"I love you, Y/N," Lusher said as you pulled from the kiss.

With a smile, you said, "I love you too."

The rivalry between Jam Republic and BEBE would always be a part of your lives, but it was a love that thrived in the midst of the competition. It was a love that danced to its own rhythm, and it was a love that would endure, no matter the challenges that came your way.

Street Woman Fighter S2 OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora