"Ugh... was it just me? Or was that class running very slow?" With a sigh from Kayla and a nod from Lucio, I continued. "At least we'll get some food to refill our strength."

Lucio and Kayla have been my friends since Junior and freshman year. In our high school for us students who has a disability. Most of us are forced to take a fifth year making it mandatory for us to get extra life experience. With Kayla who was told that she has sharp stunning features, platinum blond hair, piercing sky-blue eyes which has a slight slant from her Russian heritage and her juicy red lips. Then with her height, she is short stature ranging between 5ft 2 or 5ft 4 with a slim hour glass frame and though, so many men are on her like a pack of wolves in the middle of mating season, especially since she is Currently wearing what students consider as a school uniform. Because of her shirt showing more of her top even though it is only a plane white dress shirt with a Navy-blue Necker and skirt which goes down her thigh near her knees with white Nike gym shoes, but due to her looks, it seems that it doesn't matter if she is wearing anything if at all. Besides that, I've known her the longest ever since she transferred to this high school. Since we had met each other when I was in my senior year while she was a Junior, even though beautiful, she has no problem telling you as is in front of your face. It's one of the biggest reasons why we became friends. With me taking a fifth year as she's taking her fourth, we both had a neutral respect with one another. I won't give her any BS, she won't give me any either but the way how we became friends was during our gym class. We had to team up together as a strategy lesson because our gym teacher has explained that in life we do everything naturally alone but with partnership, you can exceed in practically everything. Like soldiers in war, there's strategic technical position. Being in a team gives you an upper hand rather than going solo. and so, when Kayla and I were in a virtual reality obstacle course and even though we do not have the greatest vision, the landscape was installed in our mind like a map on what we would expect.

In this new technology generation, virtual reality has become so excelled, it has almost repaired any disability ranging between cancer, blindness, deafness, those with no limbs, and even diabetes. Although some handicaps like myself with  Retinitis Pigmentosa which normally, we'll have pretty decent vision except for night vision due to our rods and cones becoming weak at birth just until people with RP completely loose our vision besides those who can still see light when we get older. With our condition, the reason why it is so hard to fix is because of the severity of each person. People who has a mild version of RP has already been cured and usually don't loose their vision until their early 40's but those like myself who has the severe case of it would lose our vision between our early life all the way to our early 30's. Unfortunately for myself, with my early case study at the age of 6, I was chosen to be their lab rat because they felt like they had a great understanding by using my genetic code from my DNA and by using my tissue to help correct the problem, something during the surgery had cost me to lose my vision completely.

When it comes to my best friend Lucio, he has Retinopathy of Prematurity which is an eye condition which, with premature infants, some are born with some sight or no sight at all. I have known Lucio since Junior year just like Kayla after when he came over seas from Spain transferring into Edison High. Lucio Sanchez, what people have described him is extremely tall like if he could be a battering ram himself alone. To tell the truth, I wasn't really much of a fan when I first met him. I don't know if it was because I was jealous of him due to his 6ft 6  Hight , looks, or even his Hispanic accent capturing the cuties but it wasn't until him and I shared interests of Futuramous before gym class when our friendship started to bloom. Currently, he is wearing a grey hoody, blue slacks, and black Nike with red designs on the sides. When it comes to his looks, he has short brown hair, brown tan skin, and stunning facial features with slight facial hair that compliments his looks even further. If I can remember, I think he also told me that he loves to work out before school starts and I can definitely see that on him like fuck man! He's buff as hell. as several years had pass since scientists now say that people who train in a virtual reality world helps with a human's mind, body, and soul. Although, there are always going to be critics who will say any type of video/ virtual game can influence their everyday outside life make them behave in a negative way but due to the ends overcoming the odds, they have allowed virtual reality to take over gym classes, home consoles, and business corporations and after class if I have heard, the principle has given the gym teacher access to allow us to practice with I guess our stats, will, intellect, and body with strength. When thinking about Futuramous, I wonder if that mark from Lord Flinn will still appear since it's been a long time I've stepped through that land. comparing Futuramous from 10 years ago to now when it was recently new to the public and now schools are allowing students to access for learning purposes, there has been a lot of changes. To make it like an RPG, they now added stat level, Endurance, race, and class which if I had to make an  estimate , Lady Lynn was a warrior while Prince Flinn was a dark knight which both are still human but ever sense Lady Lynn has lost from Flinn, she has not made an appearance while 5 years ago, he has become lord and now since he is a level 105 S rank. I have also heard they have made accessible q's for the blind.

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