-1- the get together -

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Alcoholism and smoking
Bullying but not realy

Today is the day wer the village get together normally started and they would meet up behind the billing it's in, but that's not wer this starts.

It started about 3 months orly in the beginning of summer and it's respected Holliday at some kinds party full of definitely legal activities or drinks.

Luca just about had his 3rd beer and hall lot of different drinks the people around them didn't want, so it's safe to say they weren't in it. That's wen his then still girlfriend entered, all like "you can seriously be doing this again, you know what we're done, don't talk to me again until you get your shit together", and with that he lost his girlfriend but they're incredibly smart "OKAY, I NEVER CARED ANYWAY", they should like a liar.

This ofcors attracted the attention of some people seeing someone shouting at someone als  while that person just looks mildly annoyed.

On of the people attracted was a girl with incredibly beautiful hair and expensive clothes really not what you were expecting to see at this party "Lucy are you good..... you seem out of it?", the girl Ginny sounded really concerned for Luca.
"Well ya Ginny, just fuck of with your ugly ass attitude", but before he spoke the last word she was already living him alone and some one als came up to him "not cool Luca, she was just looking out for you, I no we all know you're a miserable fuck but you have no reason to insult her, and hir I thought we we're becoming friends again!", and will she the new girl (Serena) entered she also very obvious didn't hier the last word was walking up very angry and close.

A week later the mother of pretty girl went up to Luca extremely angry and threatened to call the police on him if he was to insult her girl every again and not to get close to her ever.

And now back to present day.
Normally Luca would be at there meeting place but this year not because he really didn't want to, like two of them hate him because he is a "bully",others he hadn't seen this hole year, and others he just never really understood.
So he was just sitting in his bedroom watching wen he got a call from someone he didn't mind from the people of the group

Luca: what up Sofia?
Sofia: what up dude really where are you I swear you said you were coming?
Luca: no I didn't, YOU said I was going to come
Sofia: yes you did you said and I quot "I will come if you get me drinks" and some thing about hating Ginny
Luca: will I get those drinks?
Sofia: yes! now get over hire.
Luca: okay, okay come down when was the last time you had a smoke, you got a  attitude.
Sofia: Lucy you know I stopped also it would probably be good for you to to stop drinking and get your shit together.
Luca: let's stop this hir until I can punch you in the face.
Sofia: what over bye Lucy see you

And before he can hang up the phone he could hear some of the others
"Are you really getting lucy hir"
"For real she's a fucking addict and will bring this hole vib down"
"Oh come on people let him live they're trying give him a chance?"

Although he couldn't tell who said what he knew at least someone would be really disappointed to see them after this year of not seeing each other.

Wen Luca got to the meet up place he was meet with with the different people

Sofia, the only one of them he still sometimes spoke, a girl with long brown hair, a basic style of clothes and "good"  makeup.

Ginny, already said all around stunning but shit personality and a fucking brat

Serena, a girl some what tall for her age, you stereotypical blonde blue eyes girl with no style just the most basic girl with no personality besides standing up for Ginny.

(New people hihi)

Emma, Luca has no idea they haven talked but she was nice

Stella, basic bitch with probably a interesting personality but Luca dasn't care enough to find out

Stella's frend, she probably has a name, the same for her

The first thing he did was ignoring any one but Emma and Sofia, but they didn't get that message
"Luca so you actually decided to come you know my mother wouldn't like it",Ginny told him way too confident.
Witch won't work with Luca: "okay, Ginny do that go cry to your mommy will I try to talk to Emma and Sofia, and don't worry you others girl can also leave or don't I really don't care."
"Luca nice to see you again after the year, see you made yourself a reputation", Emma talked him laughing at Ginny, Stella, and the rest of the group.
"Oh that she did", Sofia told Emma completely ignoring Lucas reaction to the word "she".
Luca really hated it that he was out there as the guyes guy, everyone can see that's a guy, dude, a man and still some how most of those people still think of him as a girl.

"Allright let's stop this Sofia where is my drink you promised me for coming?"
With that he got his drinks and this in meet up got mutch more easier.
Spending the hole of it drinking more than he probably should but if they keeped one giving him more.

If any adult would have seen this they probably would only see that the group was split up and not the kid that is very obvious not doing good.

At the moment there was Luca left alone in the growd asleep (?) Who knows, Emma who is catching up with the rest and who knows were Sofia is.
Luca cares because he knows she is around the corner smoking not getting over her very obvious problem.
So he got up to visit her: "wow you are a bigger liar then me, your real not getting better so much for stopping"
"Shut it, you're literally drunk"
"Yes but I don't talk about getting better, so what's up, is it your sib.. wait no you don't got that. How about parents.... no they are great I know that you are also very liked so that can be it, let me think..... no nothing, stop being what that's it"
"Lucy I'm about to fucking punch you in the face"
"You really want to do that cos be my fucking guest I'm so mentally ill and drunk"

After something like that he obviously got pushed in the face but it wasn't a good one and Luca hit back with a strong push to Sofias nose leaving it bloody.
That got him a good push to the floor and the attention of Emma: "Sofia what going on why is your nose blind and Luca on to ground?"
"Ask her your self I'm leaving got Lucy home there aren't by themselves again, we will talk sometime als, bye Emma"
"Oh okay, talk soon"

The next morning Luca know what happened even if Sofia wouldn't believe that he wasn't completely drunk and out of it but he wasn't, he punch her and he know what he said.

Even if he thought about talking to Sofia or Emma he didn't not wanting to hear about them being concerned about him and not themselves.

ofter all this we wer made to changeWhere stories live. Discover now