Day off

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That wasn't easy to swallow.
I went back to the common room.
Dude it was so loud.
I went to my group,
if you can put it like that...Okay I went to Beth, Katie, Viv, Leah, Lia and Jana.
Lia is an NPC, she is everywhere Leah is lol.
Katie: "Hey mate...what did Jonas want?"
Elena: "Nothing special...but you have to find someone else to drive you home."
Beth: "Why?"
Elena: "Because I... have the day off"
I said relaxed and leaned back.
Viv: "Mate, how did you do that?"
Elena: "Magic"
Lia: "I can drive"
Elena: "Look...a miracle"
Katie: "Dude, did you take something...if you did, give me some too."
Elena: "I'm just happy man... nothing special"
Beth: "Oh, that's special"
Viv: "Fr"
Suddenly the door opened and Jonas came in.
He came towards us.
Jonas: "Hey girls"
Everyone said hey back.
Katie: "News?"
Jonas: "I'm sorry for you... just for Leah..."
Leah: "As long as they're good..."
Jonas: "How you want to see it..."
Leah: "Okay, shoot"
Jonas: "You're free today"
And one sentence can change my mood again.
Leah: "That's good news...don't scare me"
Jonas: "Yeah...Fix it"
Leah: "Fix What?"
He just left.
Katie: "Why do you get time off and I don't?"
Beth: "yeah not fair"
Viv: "Chill's a good thing we're not there"
Katie: "What should you fix?"
Leah: "I have no idea, otherwise I wouldn't have asked."
Jonas: "Okay, go get changed"
he said across the room.
Everyone stood up.
Elena: "See you later"
Beth gave me the middle finger.
Not very friendly.

Leah's POV
First, I know why he gives me time off.
Secondly, I know what he means about the fixed ones.
And I'm sure one word is the answer to both questions...Elena.
Everyone was gone and Elena started walking towards the car.
At first I was in thought.
Should I walk with her? Maybe she doesn't want me to go with her? Is it selfless if I just follow along?
Elena: "Do you want to walk Home?"
Leah: "Not really..."
I said. God, that was uncomfortable.
Kind of strange when you consider that she knows every inch of my body and now leaves me standing there as if we were strangers.
Elena: "Come on then"
she said laughing.
She held the door open for me.
As always.
No matter what we are.
She will never lose her gentle side.
She started driving and god it was never so uncomfortable damn haha.
I stared at the road and tried not to look at her hands.
Somehow still a fetish, I know that sounds stupid.
She turned the radio loud so the silence wouldn't be so loud.
She turned left even though she was heading home on the right.
Leah: "Where are you going?"
I asked, laughing.
Elena: "Ouch, I'm you really know me that bad?"
Leah: "Apparently"
Elena: "I'm in the mood for Mc Flurry"
Leah: "Oh yeah...if you had given me 2 minutes to think about it I would have figured it out."
Elena: "Probably"
She ordered her Mc Flurry and my favorite burger.
I didn't say I wanted anything, she did it on her own initiative.
She gave me the bag on my lap.
Leah: "Since when do you eat a big mac, wasn't the chicken Burger your favorite one?"
Elena: "He's for you idiot...but I appreciate that you remembered my favorite Burger"
Okay, that's sweet.
Okay, what did I expect from Elena.
We stood in the parking lot and ate.
Elena: "That's so strange man"
Leah: "What?"
Elena: "I don't know, somehow we feel so strange, it's not like I spent the last 9 years of my life with you."
She said laughing.
and she is right.
Leah: "Yeah it's weird"
Elena: "But why?"
Leah: "No idea"
Elena: "We can just be really cool friends"
Leah: "nahhh..."
Elena: "Ouch you hurt my feelings for the second time record"
Leah: "No, not in that sense. It's just I can't be friends with you. that wouldn't be fair"
Elena: ,,What's ever fair? We live in a world of idiots, look at you."
Leah: "Oh, now you've hurt my feelings too"
Elena: "yeah we made each other bleed without bleeding... nothing new I would say right?"
Leah: "True"
Elena: "You don't have to hide anything yk..."
Leah: "What?"
Elena: "You and Lia...I don't want to be in the way"
Leah: "Elena me and Lia are friends..."
Elena: "From your point of view... ask her that"
Leah: "Okay, okay, change of subject... are you actually sober again?"
Elena:,,......okay, okay, change of subject....did you tell your mom that we broke up?"
Leah:,,......I made some references, yes"
Elena: "God Leah"
Leah: "Come on, this can't be the end of us"
Elena: "everything has to come to an end"
Leah: "No"
Elena: "If you cut something once...and cut the same place again and again, it can never heal."
Leah: "That's true....but maybe you just cut it once.....and let it hurt really learn from it and just don't do it again"
Elena: "I think both of these options are not good"
Leah: "I like option number 2"
Elena: "But number 1 is more likely"
Leah: "But I can't sleep with the thought that you could belong to someone else at any time."
Elena: "Then pat yourself on the back Leah, you made me stop loving."
Leah: "Lie"
Elena: "Oh really?"
she said laughing.
Leah: "You still love me"
Elena: "What makes you so sure Williamson?"
Leah: "By your eyes...your mouth can lie but your eyes can't."
Elena: "Maybe it's the other way around"
Leah: "No it's not"
Elena: "You have a fetish for playing with feelings right?"
Elena: "I bet tomorrow you'll ignore me again"
Leah: "I never ignore you"
She looked at me and frowned.
She has such beautiful eyes damn...
Leah:,,But let's be honest....aren't you actually the one who is ignoring me.....I remember yesterday when we had eye contact, I came walking towards you smiling, you got up and left. Or what about my 7 unanswered messages?Am I really that unimportant to you that you include me among your 60 other women whose messages you don't read?"
Elena: "Because you always come and go whenever you want and that's not... healthy"
She said and started the car.
Leah: "No, honestly I want to come and never leave."
She drove off.
Elena: "And that's exactly why I hate you for statements like that"
Leah: "Nah you love hate that you love me"
Elena: I just don't know...what do you want to do Leah? We get back together and everything is fine again, we sound like a teenage drama film"
Leah: "Could you imagine a future without me?"
Elena: "I can't imagine a future at all"
Leah:,,don't lie. You like the idea having your own house..."
Elena: "And then get married....Sorry Leah, but if you think that, you really don't know me much," she said with a laugh.
Elena: "Leah, what you are describing is someone else, should I tell you what our future looks like in my head?"
Leah: "Shot"
Elena: "We don't have one."
Leah: "Wow, how romantic"
Elena: "Or just realistic?"
Leah: "Come on, we're soulmates"
Elena: ,,what if not? What if I find someone else who is a better fit for me?"
Leah: "Then look, I'll wait"
Elena: "Leah, I love you... It's not a lie, waking up every morning without you next to me is dead, but I'd rather die alone every morning than watch you live and waste my life on you waiting"
This went on for another 5 minutes until we got home.
I went to my room and she went to hers.
I would say 30 minutes passed when she came through my door.
She sat down on the bed next to me.
Leah: "What are you doing?"
Elena: „lay here"
Leah: "Okay then, different...what are you doing HERE?"

Just the way you are- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now