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Our post went around worldwide.
Whether on Insta or Tik Tok, we felt like we were everywhere, but it's not such a big deal.
They all thought we were a good match.
I haven't seen Leah yet today.
I wrote to her after she wasn't at breakfast.
Elena: "Are you okay?"
I knew something was wrong so I got straight into my car and drove to the nearest market there was.
I got her favorite flowers and ham sandwich.
My phone rang and it was a message from Leah.
Leah:>>Yeah Im good<<
lie...biggest lie
I drove back to camp and went to our room.
I knocked...
no one opened the door for me...
Elena: "Leah, it's me"
Still silence.
I went over to Beth and knocked.
She opened the door.
Beth: "Ughhhh you bring me flowers"
Elena: "Oh no, these are for Leah...I just wanted to ask you where she is?"
Beth: "In your room"
Elena: "Okay, thank you mate"
Beth: "Next time, bring me flowers too"
I just laughed and went back over
Elena: "Come on Leah"
After two minutes the door opened.
God she looked exhausted.
I went in and closed the door.
Everything in the room was dark.
Elena: "Do you want to talk?"
She went back to our bed without saying a word.
I put the flowers on the desk and took off my shoes and jacket.
I went into our bed and snuggled up to Leah
Elena: "You don't have to talk...but if you want, I'm right next to you"
She turned around, still without a word, and lay on my stomach.
Leah: "migraine"
I hugged her and stroked her head.
She fell asleep.
I had to endure a ton of heavy head on my stomach for 3 hours but I did it anyway.
She woke up again.
Leah: "Damn...you're a magician"
Elena: "God the migraine destroyed my girlfriend's brain"
she laughed
Leah: "nah fr it doesn't hurt so much anymore"
Elena: "That's cool"
Leah: "God, I'm hungry"
Elena: "There's a ham sandwich on the desk."
Leah: "God, sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve you."
She walked to the desk and stopped.
She turned to me and put her hand over her mouth.
I sat on my phone and looked at her questionably.
Elena: "what"
Leah: "Are the flowers for me?"
Elena: "Oh no, they're for my affair, I'm sorry"
I said laughing
Leah: "My favorite one..."
She said giving me the puppy look.
I smiled and looked at my phone again.
She ate the ham sandwich and we tended the flowers.
Elena: "Are you sure you want to go to training today?"
Leah: "yeah..."
I put my hand on her back
Elena: "Come on, I'm not calling a doctor for you"
Leah: "Mmm, maybe I'll fall over and you'll have to give me mouth-to-mouth resuscitation."
I stood there in shock.
Elena: "I'd rather leave it to a doctor."
Leah: "ughhh"
She said and punched me lightly in the stomach.
* during training
We had a final game at the end of training
Leah is a defender and I'm a striker so we see each other on the field quite often.
I got a pass from Katie and Leah was the only one in front of me.
I did a body illusion so her legs opened and tunneled her.
Top corner. what a fool.
Elena: "uhhhhh"
I rejoiced and hugged Leah from behind
Elena: "Maybe next time honey"
Leah: "ass"
Elena: "winner"
I said and winked at her.

Leah's POV
Ughhhhh how does this girl do that?
As soon as she touches me, a wave goes through my body again and again.
My heart beats faster.
My knees go weak when she smiles.
And then she winks at me.
I thought I would die here.
The training ended after 10 minutes.
And then she came towards me with her perfect laugh.
Elena: "How are you?"
Leah: "Stop laughing so stupidly idiot"
Elena: "Mmh I would like to kiss you right now because you look so annoyed.......was my goal really so good that it ruined your whole mood"
she said laughing
Leah: "You'll get that back"
Elena: "I'm waiting"
Suddenly Jana came running.
Jana: "Can you help me clean up for a moment?"
She asked Elena because she wasn't even looking at me.
I saw it in Elena's eyes...
Elena: "yeah...yeah for sure"
I'm just wondering what we are again.
Like wtf mate....
I know that she loves me, but Elena her eyes can't lie, I know that there will always be feelings for Jana.
And that's okay because I know she loves me more but it pisses me off how Jana treats her.
It's as if Elena were a toy that Jana only takes when she feels like it.
Anyway...I'm not going to get upset now.

Elena's POV
God Jana...
When will this woman finally leave me alone?
Those golden-brown eyes always.
Jana: "So you and Leah are official mmh"
Elena: "Yeah"
I said smiling because I know that Leah is the love of my life.
Jana: "That's cool"
Elena: "Yeah, I guess so"
I said as we put the poles and balls away.
There was an awkward silence for so long.
Jana: "Tell me, do you miss us sometimes"
She asked, looking into my eyes.
I just laughed
Elena: "That's not how it works Jana"

Leah's POV
I went into the cabin.
Until gio came down
Gio: "Leah, Jonas wants to talk to you briefly"
I went up to Jonas.
Jonas:,,Hey Leah, I just wanted to say congratulations to you and Elena...but I hope that when you're on the court there won't be any problems, but with you two I'm sure that you can separate your private and work life. "
Leah: "Yes definitely...thank you"
He smiled at me and I wanted to go back into the cabin when I heard Elena and Jana talking.
Jana: "Tell me, do you miss us sometimes?"
Elena: "That's not how it works, Jana"
she said laughing
Jana: "Come on, be honest with yourself, is Leah really the right one"
Elena: "Jesus Christ of course it's her, okay Jana you're cool but there will never be anything between us anymore because I love Leah with all my heart...let's be friends and forget the past"
This is the moment when I could marry her.
I walked down to the cabin because I knew I could trust Elena.

Elena's POV
Jana: "Elena, I can't forget us as easily as you...give me time, it's hard for me to see you with Leah, you know that."
she said, coming closer and closer
I looked into her eyes
Jana: "But you still look at me with your loving eyes"
I said nothing and looked away.
Jana: "I'll wait for you... because I know that Leah isn't the right one"
Elena: "Okay"
I said and went down to the cabin.
I sat next to Leah and smiled at her.
Leah: "Are you okay?"
Elena: "yeah"
Beth: "Girls, listen up...Tonight is a movie night in the common room, if you want to come, you can come."
Leah: "Shall we go?"
Elena: "ughhh"
Leah: "Come on"
Elena: "annoying"
We went to the common room.
we secured a cramped couch.
I lay down wide on the couch.
Leah: "Hey, where should I go?"
Elena: "stand"
I said laughing
Elena: "No, it was just fun, come here"
She lay between my legs with her head on my stomach.
The movie was so boring, especially because Beth and Jen were doing tik toks the whole time.
Leah was sleeping and I was on my cell phone.
I held hands with Leah and did that thumb thing, you know what I mean?

Beth's POV
Beth: "Hey Jen, let's do a tik tok"
Jen: "What's your idea"
Beth: "No plan...how about 'different guys at a movie night'"
Jen: "You're the best"
We had almost all of them, the one with the mood swings, the attentive one, the sleepy one, the one who was constantly talking and for Leah and Elena we came up with something very special, the old married couple.
the two of them lay there so sweetly.
and since they're official it's no longer a secret.
I'm still a bit devastated that one of them didn't tell me sooner.

Elena's POV
Elena: "Leah..."
I said quietly.
Elena: "Leah come on"
Leah: "mmh"
Elena: "Okay..."
I got up
She lay there and said nothing
Elena: "Let's go to sleep"
Leah: "mmh"
Elena: "ughhh"
I put one hand on her back and the other on the back of her knee and lifted her up.
I ran all the way to our room like, people would have thought I killed her or something.
I put her in our bed and covered her.
I then went next to her and fell asleep.

Just the way you are- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now