Zara's attention then shifted to Sanji, whose aura radiated a warm and inviting orange, reflecting his affectionate and caring personality, especially towards the crewmates he cherished. Chopper's aura glowed with a tender and nurturing pink, embodying the innocence and compassion that defined the ship's beloved doctor. Robin's aura, on the other hand, shone with a mysterious and enigmatic violet, representing her profound wisdom and enigmatic past.

Zara's gaze finally settled on Luffy. The aura surrounding him shimmered with a vibrant red, pulsating with a fiery energy that matched his passionate and adventurous spirit. she couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion. Unlike the auras of the others, Luffy's seemed to welcome her, almost as if it knew she was there and acknowledged her presence. It was a stark contrast to the other crew members, whose auras remained oblivious to her observation.

Zara furrowed her brow, unsure of how to interpret this phenomenon. She had never encountered such a reaction from an aura before, and it left her feeling both intrigued and apprehensive. Luffy's aura exuded an undeniable warmth and a vibrant energy that seemed to reach out to her, beckoning her to explore further. Despite her reservations, she found herself drawn to the pulsating red energy, unable to resist the temptation to delve deeper into its mysterious depths.

Zara awoke from her meditation in a cold sweat, no longer sitting across from her brother, but rather right in front of Luffy, her hand hovering right above his shoulder. 

 "Zara" Luffy said, looking at her with a mixture of confusion and concern. "Zara, are you okay?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry.

Zara blinked rapidly, her mind still reeling from the intensity of the vision she had experienced during her meditation. Her hand trembled slightly as she withdrew from hovering above Luffy's shoulder, trying to gather her thoughts and dispel the remnants of the strange energy that had enveloped her.

"I...I'm fine, Luffy. I just...had a strange vision," Zara stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. She felt the weight of Luffy's concerned gaze, his unwavering concern warming her in a way she didn't quite understand. With a shaky breath, she managed a faint smile, trying to reassure him. "I think I got a little to enveloped in my meditation today," she added, hoping to dismiss the oddity of the situation.

Luffy nodded slowly, his expression softening as he studied her intently. "If you're sure," he said, his concern lingering. "But if anything feels off, let me know, okay? I'm here to help," he added earnestly, a genuine warmth in his tone that resonated deep within her.

Zara's smile widened, genuine this time as she appreciated Luffy's kindness. "Thanks, Luffy. I'll keep that in mind," she replied, her gratitude palpable. She took a moment to regain her composure before nodding at Luffy, signaling that she was indeed alright. With that, she turned and made her way back to the main deck, hoping to shake off the residual effects of her unsettling meditation.

 As Zara moved away, Zoro watched her with a furrowed brow, concern etched into his features. Ten minutes into meditating, he noticed his sister standing up. Zoro observed with a furrowed brow. His concern deepened as he noticed her walking away with her eyes still closed. "Zara," he called out, but she continued on, seemingly unaware of his voice. He hesitated, unsure of whether to stop her or not, uncertain of the consequences of interrupting her trance.

Silently, Zoro followed Zara's movements as she made her way to the front of the ship where Luffy stood, a perplexed expression on his face. "Hey, Zara, what's up?" Luffy inquired, waving his hand in front of her vacant gaze, trying to capture her attention. Zoro's eyes narrowed as he saw Zara raise her hand as if to touch Luffy, only to halt abruptly just before making contact. He watched them converse for a while until she walked away from Luffy. He made eye contact with her, but she quickly looked away from him and murmured the words "I'm fine."

Zara: Luffy x OCWhere stories live. Discover now