Chapter 4

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Zara woke up alone in her hammock, hearing a whirl of commotion outside. She must have overslept, something she hadn't done since her time at the village with her brother. She got up and prepared for her day alongside her new friends. Once outside the women's quarters, she saw everyone sitting together, eating breakfast. Nami was going over today's plan.

"We will be setting sail after breakfast today for the next island, so I hope everyone has restocked on everything we would need for the trip," she said, looking pointedly at Sanji.

"Yes, my dear sweet Nami, our inventory is stocked for at least three weeks of voyage," Sanji replied, his tone playfully flirtatious. Nami smiled at Sanji's response, noticing Zara walking their way.

"Morning, Zara," Luffy said enthusiastically from his seat.

"Morning, Luffy," Zara replied, returning his smile. She settled down next to him, helping herself to some breakfast as the rest of the crew continued their lively chatter. Zara couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging amidst the boisterous and chaotic atmosphere of the crew. These were the people she had chosen to travel with, and for the first time in a long while, she felt a flicker of hope that she might have found a place she could call home.

As breakfast wound down, Luffy suddenly jumped up from his seat, his eyes gleaming. "Alright crew lets start setting sail"

With the sails billowing in the wind, the Going Merry gracefully cut through the gentle waves, leaving the island behind as they set their course for the next destination on their itinerary. Zara stood by the railing, her hair swaying in the sea breeze as she gazed out at the boundless expanse of the ocean.

As she turned back to observe the crew, she noticed Sanji gathering up the plates and carrying them to the kitchen, and Luffy settled on the figurehead, enjoying the exhilarating rush of the sea. Her attention then shifted to Zoro, who was meditating at the rear of the ship. She teleported herself Infront of her brother.

"Hmm, when did you start meditating? I thought you told me it was a waste of time," she inquired, her curiosity piqued as she approached him.

The sudden appearance disrupting Zoros meditation. His eyes snapped open, surprise flickering across his features before he composed himself.

"Zara," he acknowledged, a hint of annoyance coloring his tone as he attempted to regain his composure. "I've been trying to meditate more often lately. It helps me focus and keep my mind clear," he explained, though his irritation was palpable. 

"I see. I'll join you, then," Zara responded as she took a sitting position, maintaining a comfortable distance from her brother. She eased herself into a state of meditation, but her process differed from the conventional approach. Instead of clearing her mind, Zara's meditation allowed her to perceive her surroundings in a unique manner. As she delved into this state, she witnessed little balls of light dancing throughout the ship, each corresponding to the unique aura of the individuals on board.

As Zara delved deeper into her meditative state, she observed the auras of her fellow crewmates with a keen sense of clarity. Her brother's aura, a robust and steadfast emerald green that exuded a sense of unwavering determination and resilience. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of bittersweet nostalgia at the sight, reminded of the countless training sessions and shared moments of from their past. However, there was also an undercurrent of unresolved tension and lingering pain woven within his aura, a testament to the burdens he carried and the sacrifices he made to protect those he cared for. Nami's aura glowed with a soft, soothing blue, indicative of her calm and composed demeanor, while Usopp's aura flickered with a blend of green and yellow, mirroring his imaginative and somewhat nervous nature.

Zara: Luffy x OCWhere stories live. Discover now