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making everything official 


-three months of little cute dates or face times when he was away
-but what made it truly official was meeting Angela and Wyatt
-Angela was excited to meet the little girl who was making her baby so happy
-Wyatt wanted to meet the person his best friend wouldn't shut up about
-but it was sweet, a dinner, holding hands while a long conversation with the three 


-It was made official after the second date. 
-after spending 8 months waiting neither wanted to take shit slow
-the losers weren't even surprised man
-what really set it in stone was Richie making his sexual jokes.


-it took a while, maybe 5 months.
-but relationships are built on trust, and after everything you had to learn to trust him again
-and you did, eventually, so you asked him if he wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend
-he's prepared to take things as slow as possible, as long as you're fine, he's fine

Jacob B-

-a month
-wanted to at least test the waters
-the water was fine. the perfect temperature.
-so, you dove in ready for anything
-shit was and is good with him.

CUPID  ♱  JAEDEN MARTELL Where stories live. Discover now