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what was the friendship like?


-Shit the night spent at the bar was fun as hell
- he ended up getting your number by the night's end
-you both just clicked really easily, so a friendship was a good idea.


-an entire week of just slipping notes silently in class got you really close
-it was like there were no boundaries
-neither of you told a soul what was written
-one day you just write the landline
-hoping to take the friendship out of the class.


-he knew he shouldn't hate you for knowing grace
-so, he randomly came in your room middle of the night
-staying up all night, smoking and talking.
-somehow it made both of you feel seen, special in a way.

Jacob B-

-honestly, high teenagers at a party
-just asking random questions, random, wild, all of it was put out there
-slurred speech, horrid flirting, the drunker you got the more freeing it felt
-absolutely no awkward phase. The moment some kid streaked that was gone
-just a wild evening honestly

Jacob T-

-you were kind of just stuck with him, eventually staring turned into conversing
-unfortunately, but he did talk about somewhat normal things
-the moment he let you hold his hand it was declared you were friends
-he could be sweet under... everything else.

CUPID  ♱  JAEDEN MARTELL Where stories live. Discover now