Peace out.


Seth sat there, staring at the screen. He was someone's favorite wrestler. When he had been in the Shield, everyone was focused on Dean and Roman, so not many people considered him their favorite. Then there was the whole betraying his brothers thing. When you hit your friends with a chair, people don't really like you, Seth had learned. Even now, holding the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, people still didn't like him.

He tried not to let it get to his head. He was a heel, and had been most of his time with the Shield (until the end), so people weren't supposed to like him. When he found a fan, it brought a smile to his face, but it usually didn't appear until he determined whether or not they were telling the truth.

Finally, a smile spread across Seth's face as he made a decision.


Main Event ended, so Charlie pulled up the Word document that Space Enough to Grow was saved on, and pulled up Wattpad. She posted an update.

"Just finished Main Event. It was pretty good. Could've used more Rollins and Barrett, but we can't always get what we want. Currently working on a new chapter of Space Enough to Grow that should be up later this week."

She was going to exit the window when she realized she had a message. She clicked on the message and read it.

BadNewsRollins: Hey! Just wanted to let you know how much I love "Space Enough to Grow!" You're a great writer, and the story's great!

Charlie smiled and typed a reply.

rampaiging-charlie: Thank you so much! :) I'm currently working on the next chapter, and it should be up soon!

Charlie exited out of the window and started working on the story. She always loved getting feedback on her story. While she loved comments, she loved it even more when her readers sent her messages. It was just more personal to her, and she loved it. She began writing chapter two.


Seth read the reply and smiled a little. When he was making his account, he didn't know what his username should be, but eventually decided on BadNewsRollins. He was kind of telling the truth, actually, if you thought about it. He liked to think that he, Seth Rollins, was bad news and that people should watch out for him. He was pretty sure Barrett wouldn't mind him stealing the "bad news" part of his name.

Suddenly, there was banging on the door.


"Ah, shit," Seth muttered. He had completely forgotten about Dean.

Seth stood up and opened the door. Dean was standing there, and he was angry. A few people had opened their doors to see what the noise was, but upon seeing it was Dean, shut their doors. They were used to this.

"Rollins, you have some explaining to do!" Dean exclaimed, pushing past him and walking inside.

"I'm sorry...?" Seth mumbled. He knew Dean wasn't truly angry, just annoyed. He became Rollins when Dean was annoyed with him, but when he was fuming angry, it was Colby.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Dean asked. "You fucking left me at the arena, and I had to get a fucking ride with Roman, which wouldn't have been too bad, but he was talking to his daughter on the phone, and it was fucking gross."

When Dean was annoyed or angry, he also said fucking and fuck a lot. Seth was used to it by now, because it was a normal part of his vocabulary anyway, and he was annoyed a lot.

"I'm sorry," Seth repeated.

Dean didn't respond. He looked over at the bed Seth had been sitting on, where he had left his phone when he got up to answer the door. It had lit up, and Dean smirked.

"Dean, don't you – "

He didn't listen. Dean and Seth raced to the phone sitting on the bed, but Dean got there seconds before Seth, so he looked at the notification. He frowned.

"Ugh, it's just Leighla," He said, handing the phone to Seth.

Seth unlocked it. "I don't appreciate you talking about my fiancée like that."

"I'm sure your fiancée doesn't appreciate you reading fanfiction about your friends, either," Dean said, smirking.

"She doesn't care."

Dean raised an eyebrow. "She knows?"

"Well, not exactly..." Seth trailed off. He looked down at his phone and read Leighla's text.

"Hey, do you think we should get red or purple flowers?"

Now she really was talking about the wedding, so Seth decided he hadn't technically been lying when he told Hunter about it.

"What are you guys talking about then?" Dean asked.

Seth looked at him, frowning. "Dude, we're getting married. By the way, do you think we should get purple or red flowers?"

"Does it look like I fucking care what color flowers you get?" Dean asked.

"No, but I don't care either, and I need to tell Leighla something," Seth explained.

"Just tell her you don't care," Dean suggested.

"Then she'll think I don't care about the wedding and getting married, but I do," He said.

"Man, I don't know," Dean said. "I'm not married. I don't know shit about weddings." He stood up. "I'm out of here. Call me when you're done talking about weddings."

Dean walked out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. Seth wasn't sure, but he thought it was an accident. Dean was known to slam doors when he left rooms, not because he was angry, but because that was just the way he was. He didn't mean to do a lot of things, but he'd do them anyway.

Seth sighed, looked down at his phone, and typed a reply to Leighla.

"I personally think red flowers would be great, but I'm not a flower expert. :P Whatever you want, babe."

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