12. Return to primary

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The Dursleys and Lyra returned to their home, carrying with them the memories of their magical adventures and the promise of letters and updates from Dudley. They would eagerly await his news, knowing that their family bond was strong and that the distance couldn't diminish the love and connections that tied them together.

During her holidays, Lyra eagerly delved into the world of magic, immersing herself in books, practicing simple spells, and soaking up as much knowledge as she could with Rebekah's guidance. She embraced the opportunity to learn and prepare for her own journey to Hogwarts, even though it was still a few years away.

As the summer break neared its end, Lyra had gained a deeper understanding of the Wizarding World. She had developed her skills and confidence, ready to face her final years at Mystic Falls Primary School before entering the magical realm herself.

The day arrived for Lyra to return to her Muggle primary school. This time, she was more self-assured, with her newfound magical knowledge and the support of Rebekah's guidance. However, with Dudley away at Hogwarts, she was no longer shielded from the unkindness of Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie, who had targeted her in the past.

As Lyra entered the school building on her day back at Mystic Falls Primary School, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She knew that without Dudley by her side, she might have to deal with the bullies more frequently. Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie, sensing her vulnerability, decided to taunt her.

Caroline leaned in with a sly grin and said, "Oh, look who's all alone now! Your big brother can't save you here, can he?"

Elena chimed in, "Yeah, where is your precious brother anyway? Off to some fancy British school, huh?"

Bonnie added mockingly, "I bet he's having such a splendid time while you're stuck here in this dull school."

Lyra, feeling a mix of frustration and sadness, tried to ignore their taunts. She knew they had no idea about the magical world and the wonderful experiences that awaited her at Hogwarts.

With a determined voice, she replied, "My brother is doing just fine, thanks. And I've got my own things to look forward to, so you don't need to worry about me."

The trio of bullies, not understanding the full context, exchanged puzzled glances. They were unaware of the magical world and the unique adventures that Lyra and Dudley were embarking on.

Caroline laughed, "Well, whatever you say, orphan girl. Have fun pretending you're special."

Elena and Bonnie chimed in with mocking laughter, and they turned to walk away, leaving Lyra to her own thoughts. Although their taunts stung, Lyra knew that she had a supportive family, a bright future at Hogwarts, and the strength to face whatever challenges came her way, whether in the Muggle or magical world.

Lyra did her best to ignore the taunts of Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie throughout the rest of her day at Mystic Falls Primary School. The trio, however, seemed determined to make her life difficult. They continued to make snide comments about her brother, her supposed "fancy school," and her presumed orphan status.

During recess, they cornered her, ridiculing her enthusiasm for fictional books(it was the books she bought from flourish and blotts enchanted to look like muggle fiction) and calling her a "weirdo" for believing in such things. Lyra, feeling increasingly isolated, took refuge in her books, finding solace in the tales of magic and adventure they held.

As the school day came to an end, Lyra's spirits sank lower. She longed for the familiar comfort of her family and the magical world that awaited her in her future.

Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Lyra gathered her things and headed for the exit. As she walked toward the school gate, she noticed Rebekah waiting for her. The trio, Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie, who had been following her, couldn't help but comment on Rebekah's presence.

Caroline sneered, "Who's that woman waiting for you, Lyra? Did you finally find someone who could tolerate you?"

Elena added, "Yeah, she must be your new babysitter since your big brother is too busy being 'fancy' at that British school."

Bonnie chimed in with a mocking laugh, "Maybe she's your long-lost grandma here to rescue you!"

Lyra, though disheartened by the trio's relentless bullying, simply ignored their comments. She knew that Rebekah was there out of concern and love, ready to support her and make her journey home more pleasant.

Rebekah, noticing the trio's taunts, maintained her composure and a warm smile. She walked over to Lyra, taking her hand, and said, "Ready to go, dear?"

Lyra nodded, and together they headed toward the car, leaving the trio behind. As they drove away, Lyra knew that her family and her magical future were what truly mattered, and she drew strength from their unwavering support and love.

On the drive home, as the Dursleys and Rebekah made their way back, the atmosphere inside the car was a mix of comfort and tension. Lyra, sitting in the backseat, leaned against Rebekah, who had a calming presence about her. The bullying she had experienced at school weighed on her, and she was eager to share her feelings with Rebekah.

Lyra began to recount the events of the day at school, describing the relentless taunts and mockery from Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie. She told Rebekah about how they seemed to take pleasure in her discomfort and made fun of her family, not understanding the magical world they were a part of.

Tears welled up in Lyra's eyes as she spoke, and Rebekah gently squeezed her hand, offering silent support and a reassuring presence. Lyra continued, her voice wavering with emotion, "I miss Dudley so much, Rebekah. He was always there to protect me from them."

Rebekah listened attentively, her heart aching for Lyra. She understood how challenging it must be for a young girl to face such cruelty, especially without her brother by her side. She said in a soothing voice, "Lyra, I'm here for you, and you're not alone. Remember, you have a loving family, and I'll be here whenever you need me."

Lyra nodded, her tears drying, and she smiled at Rebekah's words of comfort. "Thank you, Rebekah. I'm lucky to have you and my family. I know things will get better, especially once I'm at Hogwarts like Dudley."

Rebekah encouraged Lyra to stay strong and resilient, reminding her that Hogwarts would be an incredible adventure filled with new friends and experiences. She assured her that the bullies at her Muggle school didn't define her worth and that her magical journey would be a source of great pride and joy.

As they neared home, the Dursleys and Rebekah shared a collective determination to support Lyra, ensuring that she would always have a strong and loving network to lean on, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.


As time passed, Lyra grew, and her 11th birthday was fast approaching. She was no longer the little girl who had watched her brother Dudley head off to Hogwarts with a mixture of curiosity and longing. Lyra had matured, gaining a deeper understanding of the magical world, and she eagerly anticipated the arrival of her Hogwarts acceptance letter.

Her summers had been spent immersing herself in magical studies and practicing spells under Rebekah's guidance. She had cultivated her knowledge of the Wizarding World and had even begun forming friendships with other young witches and wizards who lived nearby. Her excitement for her own journey to Hogwarts was palpable, and she couldn't wait to step into the world of magic.

Lyra's 11th birthday was just around the corner, and it would mark a significant moment in her life as she prepared to receive her own Hogwarts letter, join her brother Dudley at the magical school, and start her own incredible adventure in the world of wizardry.

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