Airport Cuteness

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"yah jennie wake up we have reached the airport dumbass" you heard taehyung yelling from the front.

"im up waking" you yelled back. As you heard laughter you slowly open your eyes and sit straight, and try to understand whats going on.

"okay guys! listen! we are gonna go in as a human chain okay? jennie is gonna be in the middle since she is the smallest. Also after entering the airport you guys will hold one bodyguard's hand so that nothing bad happens. got it ?!" the staff said.

"okay!" all eight of you yelled together.

"great we will now start getting out" she informed.

Soon all of you get out and make the human chain and walk inside the airport and calmly go through the security even though some people were screaming their lungs out (lmao im laughing thinking about it)

As you walk towards the VIP lounge a fan came rushing towards you and said in a hurried voice  before getting yeeted by your bodyguard ."listen jennie-yah I'm Leo! I'm your biggest fan and i will make you mi-"

"whatever that was" you mutter to yourself.

As you were walking, *clearing throat* I mean waddling like a penguin, you were slowly falling a asleep, some waddling later, you guys reached your seat.

"aah so fun! i heard that new zealand has alot of stuff to do like bungee jumping-" jungkook said excited.

"wahh i wanna do it!" you replied excited.


Hii! sorry for the very slow update.
forgive me please ily guys mwuah <3

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