Your First Run BTS episode.

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"ugh! fuck maths!" you yelled with frustration

you went downstairs with your math work and hunger since you have had anything since 6am and now its 11am.  You've been comepleting all the holiday homework you had since day after tomorrow your school starts.

" ah finally you woke up what took you so long?" jin oppa said.

" I woke up at like 6 in the morning to do my holiday homework." you replied tiredness taking over.

" omg such a hardworking student jungkook should learn from you" hobi oppa said calling the previous maknae out.

" learn what? be lazy and procrastinate so much that at last you have 3 days for all the work and your brain is only helping you have a shitty mental breakdown?" you said sarcastically.

" i take my words back" he then said making giggles enter the hall way.

" wheres joon oppa when you need him" you mumble trying to solve a equation.

" I swear to god if i could time travel into the past imma kill the person who made homework, and happily go to jail" you said.

" maths please move on why tf do you want me to stalk your ex and find her like move on and stop being a baby and solve your problem instead of making me do it like..bitch" you continued talking to yourself.

" guys we have to film a new run BTS epi-"

"yah! what is fucking wrong with me ugh can you give me some snacks jin oppa- oh your here namjoon oppa! i need you to help me with some maths" you said cutting off namjoon.

"hi so as i was saying we do have to record an episode at night so be ready by 8:30pm." namjoon finished what he was saying.

"I need help with maths oppa.." you whined to namjoon.

Like that he explained to you what to do like a dad, making you forget your basics then punishing you for it, and then while crying you finally solve the shit.

After doing the entire holiday homework you decided to take a break. Its 7:30pm now and you remembered the schedule.

you quickly get dressed. your outfit

 your outfit

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after dressing up you come downstairs and see the boys already there dressed up

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after dressing up you come downstairs and see the boys already there dressed up.

"is it cold outside?" you ask them

" yeah kinda, but you don't need to wear the jacket inside the car and in the house princess." jimin replied to you.

" okay *removes jacket* do you guys know the activities thats gonna happen?" you said.

"nope they will tell us when we reach there" this jungkook replied.

before you could say anything you guys heard a honk.

" thats the car" Hoseok said to none in particular.

after reaching the place.

" we are going for a night safari!!" the director said.


   so um..yes this is the zombie epidode that im starting with.....thanks  for reading.😄

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