Chapter 493: Warmth

Start from the beginning

The Qin couple, "..."

Qin Junfeng, "..." His face was full of black lines, but he felt very powerless.

Qin Xingbao frowned and was very dissatisfied.

Madam Qin's expression changed, and she said to Qin Yan nicely, "Yan 'Er, you can't talk about your brother like that. Your Brother really loves you very much. Ever since you were young, he has always been there to protect you. Your brother is only saying things. He'll definitely help you." As a mother, she naturally hoped that her children would get along

Madam Qin immediately looked at Qin Junfeng and gestured with her eyes. Then, she asked, "Feng 'Er, you will definitely help your sister, right?"

"Yes!" Qin Junfeng had no choice but to nod his head and agree.

Getting Gong Tianhao to marry Qin Yan was something that was almost impossible. However, his sister had gone crazy, so he could only go along with it for now.

When Qin Yan heard her brother's reply, her tears turned into a smile. She said, "Yes, I know that brother always treats me the best."

Madam Qin smiled and said, 'Yan 'Er, your brother has agreed to help you. You should be relieved now."

"Yes, yes." Qin Yan nodded happily. But no one knew what she was really thinking inside her head.

Qin Junfeng gave Madam Qin a look. Madam Qin immediately smiled and said to Qin Yan, "Yan 'Er, you must be tired. Why don't you go back to your room to rest?"

Recently, Qin Yan's mental state had been very abnormal. She had to rest more.

Perhaps because she had her brother's support, Qin Yan seemed to be in a good mood. Once she was in a good mood, she naturally agreed to everything.


After that, Qin Yan went upstairs. The Qin Family saw Qin Yan go upstairs. They assumed she had gone back to her room to rest.

Little did they know that at this moment, she was standing at the corner of the corridor on the second floor, eavesdropping.

Her temperament had changed drastically. She did not trust anyone. Therefore, how could she be so obedient and go to her room to rest?

She needed to know how her family planned to marry her to Gong Tianhao.

As soon as Qin Yan went upstairs, Madam Qin said disapprovingly, "Qin Junfeng, you know that your sister is not in her best condition right now, so why can't you just go along with her?"

Qin Junfeng looked at his mother and said, "Mom, do you think it's possible for sister to marry Gong Tianhao?"

Madam Qin opened her mouth, "..."

Although she had always supported her daughter in marrying Gong Tianhao, she knew very well that Gong Tianhao was not someone that they could force into a marriage. If it was really that simple, the Qin family would have forced Gong Tianhao to marry Qin Yan a long time ago. They couldn't do that in the past, and they couldn't do that


Madam Qin sighed heavily and said after thinking for a while, "I know that's not possible, but look at your sister's current state. If she's not happy, she'll go crazy. So, can't we just give in to her first? Husband?"

Madam Qin said this to her son and her husband.

Qin Xingbao thought for a while and nodded. "You're right."

Qin Junfeng didn't agree. He said, "But mom, that means we're just lying to her."

Madam Qin said angrily, "How am I lying to her? I'm saying we'll go along with her demands for now. Once she calms down, she'll realize how ridiculous this is."

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