[013]~ 𝒫𝓁𝒶𝒸𝑒𝓈 𝒪𝓁𝒹 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒩𝑒𝓌

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Odessa and the dementors took a portkey straight to Seabase Acheron. When they entered the fortress, it was the first time she had to enter a new section. She walked over to the security desk and placed her wand on the wand weigher for the first time. She left, certain that the dementor would cause no harm to her wand.
She then passed through Thief's Downfall into the main prison grounds. From there, the dementors brought her into the Warden's office.

She sat down across from him, waiting for him to speak. She crossed her legs and placed her right hand on top of her left on her lap. She sat tall and stared forward, preparing to listen to what the man had to say. She was happy to see the man that practically raised her once again after basically five months of separation.

"Have I told you about the village that once lived here?" He asked the girl.

"I believe so." She tried thinking back, "If I am remembering correctly, you told me the tale of the great hero, Illyius."

"Yes, that's the one." He confirmed. "The Dark Wizard, Raczidian, made a fortress away from the village, but one day he saw a young girl, Eliana, and decided he would marry her." The warden began.

"I don't suppose the village liked that idea all too much." Odessa pointed out.

"No, they didn't. When he threatened them they decided to fight back, sending Eliana to hide with the orphan, Illyius, whom they decided was unqualified to help." He continued. "However, when the dementors came to them, Illyius cast his patronus."

"It was a bright mouse." Odessa recalled.

"Yes, the bright mouse warded off the dementors. Outraged that such a puny patronus could ward off his army, Raczidian decided to cast his own patronus. That didn't work too well for him though, do you recall why?" He asked.

"Because...he was incapable?" She answered hesitantly.

"Close, but not quite. He was competent, sure. But only those pure of heart can cast a patronus. He was the first known situation where a patronus was cast by someone capable, but unworthy."

"What happened?" She asked, not recalling this part of the story.

"Out from his wand shot maggots, which devoured him alive." He revealed. "For defeating Raczidian, Illyius was deemed a hero and ended up marrying Eliana."

"What happened to the village after that?"

"They dwindled. Though Raczidian was gone, the dementors remained. And without their master keeping them fed, the ran amuck around the island. Only a few villagers remained. Eventually another dark wizard by the name Ekrizdis came to the island. He tortured the remaining villagers and when there was none left he began luring sailors to the island where he would torture them and feed their souls to the dementors. When the ministry discovered the island, they decided to turn it into a prison. They called back the descendant of Illyius to act as the warden, as Illyius was, in tale, the only one capable of defeating an army of dementors."

"Who took over after Illyius's descendant?"

"The responsibility was passed down, only the descendants of Illyius have ever been wardens here."

"So... you're a descendant of the great Illyius?" She asked him in awe.

He laughed, "Yes. It seems we both have rather grand lineage." He confirmed.

She was hesitant to ask, "Warden Abernathy? For what reason did you retell me the story?"

He paused. "You remind me a lot of Eliana." He admitted. "You could bring hope to a whole village. But you could also cause great danger to arise."

𝔄𝔟𝔯𝔞 𝔎𝔢𝔡𝔞𝔳𝔯𝔞 ~ ᴹᴬᴿᴬᵁᴰᴱᴿˢ ᴱᴿᴬ {R.A.B.} {J.P}Where stories live. Discover now