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He was waiting in the shadows for a dragon who had the last  animus magic in the entire world. But where are they? They are taking forever!  "I don't have time for this" the dragon grumbled to himself. But he stayed put, he needed this magic. How long does it take to get from the Scorpion Den to here? he sighed. Be patient, we have to wait, its for Teal.  And if  he doesn't come ill rip there throat out. They know that. Sighing again the shadow waited.

Not for long. A sort lean figure appeared out of the shadows and asked in a smooth voice, "Are you the one who breathes the water?" The code, Finally!  "Yes" The dragon said. "I would be willing to trade my magic for something... Important." What could he want that an animus can't have? "What would you like?"  He asked cautiously. In the dark the new figure seemed to squint and grin. "Power over your mind" He said. As the newcomer tilted his head there was a glinting piece of jewellery on his ear, it looked orange and a little bit of gold on it, it looked familiar but the dragon couldn't quite place where he saw it before.

Remembering what the lean figure had said, it finally sunk in, control over his brain. Hurm control, depends what he means by control, and certainly not my whole brain. Mabey like a quarter? I have to do this, or else Teal... His mind trailed off.

"What do you mean "Power over your mind"?" He asked instead. Still grinning the small figure said "I cant stay in this form forever, and you are the main commander of this... organization. What is it called again? Claws of fury? Talons of heat? Oh, I know! Feet of heat! Right?" The dragon with the earring said tauntingly. "Its Claws of fire." He said through gritted teeth. Is he purposely insulting me?

"This is a waist of time." He said. "I'm leaving." About to take flight the other dragon said "Okay! Okay, ill stop. Your mind and body for infante power?" He said holding out a talon. "No, only a quarter of control of my body." The grin faded from the other dragons face. "I will take full control." he said. "Fine half or no deal." He said. "FINE" The other dragon said. "Shake my talon to seal the deal." Mabey this isn't the  best idea, summoning an all-powerful dragon and then haggling with him, then letting him take over your mind... Oh well, too late. Its for Teal.

He grabbed the younger dragons talon, much like the talon of a dragonet, and shook it. Darkness seemed to fill the corners of his eyes, he couldn't blink, couldn't breath. He couldn't help thinking, that isn't half,  before the darkness took over.

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