"That's nothing." I wanted to avoid that question altogether.

"Come on, tell me." He insisted, and I sighed.

"It's a name..." I answered with some reluctance.

"Whose name, your ex-boyfriend's?"

"No... No, it's my older brother's."

"What happened to him?" He further questioned, and I inhaled.

"Well, he passed away when I was quite young."

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss."

"Yeah...me too." My reply came out shakily, I didn't want to talk about it nor did I enjoy talking about it...my brother's death was a very touchy subject for me.

"Can we talk about something else?" I asked, not really wanting to get emotional right now.

"Okay." He agreed.

"What was your initial impression of me?" He asked, and I smiled, getting butterflies.

"Here's a handsome and successful guy. He's stoic and a little weird with all his questions, but there's something intriguing about him." I admit. He chuckled slightly.

"Sounds like I had you hook from the first moment you saw me." He boasted.

"No." I blushed.

"What was your initial impression of me?"

"She's a pretty girl, I wonder if she spits or swallows..." He laughed, but I wasn't at all amused."...then you turned around and when I looked at those sweet cheeks I was like, 'Damn,' I can't let her leave before I get a chance to stick my peanut butter in that jam."

"Oh my god, you're disgusting."

"I'm kidding." He says.

"No, you're not." I shook my head.

"You thought I would be a quick fuck."

"Of course I didn't... I know it takes a little more effort to get into a woman's pants these days."

"That doesn't help your case, asshole." I said, moving out of his embrace, and my action didn't go unnoticed.

"Come on, I was just kidding."

"Okay, so what did you really think when you first met me?"

"You want the truth?" He asked, a hint of amusement in his statement.

"Never mind!"

"Come on, don't be mad. Who cares about first impressions anyway? I'm your man now, aren't I?"

My ears perked up at the sound of that.

"Oh, you're my man..." I laughed. "You think you're my man." I told him.

"Hold on, I'm not?" He responded, confusion deep in his voice.

"Mhm, I'm starved. Are you hungry?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Oh no. I see what you're trying to do," he asserted, calling me on my bullshit.

"Come on, I'll make us some grilled cheese..." I said, scooting off the bed.

"Jazmin, get back here." He attempted to grab me, but I was too quick for him.

"Get dressed. Join me in the kitchen." I told him, putting on my robe, and walking out of the bedroom.

While in the kitchen, I grabbed the bread from the pantry, took out a few slices of pepper jack cheese and butter from the fridge. I began prepping our plates, and it wasn't long before Fernando joined me.

"Do you want two sandwiches or one?" I asked.

"Why don't we just order something?"

"It's late, nothing's open beside a few pizza spots and more than likely they'll take forty-five minutes to an hour to deliver, but if you're not seriously hungry, certainly order up."

"I'll have two." I heard him say.

"Okay." I smiled as I placed the sandwich into the skillet.

"Why'd you run after I said I was your man?" He sought, leaning up against the island behind me.

"I didn't run, I walked, and you're not my man... at least not until you ask me to be your girlfriend."

"Be my girlfriend?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"No..." I told him. "It's too early, besides you have to ask me properly like romantically, you don't necessarily have to buy me anything but just make it a romantic gesture."

"I guess, but understand, I don't care if we don't have a title. You're mine, and if I find out you're entertaining anyone apart from me, I'll put a bullet through the dickhead's skull." He threatened I sucked my teeth, that was ever macho man's favorite line...he didn't mean it.

"Watch yourself, King Kong. You might get bruises on your chest with all that beating." I rolled my eyes.

"No, you watch it." He smacked my ass hard, and I yelped in surprise.

"That hurt..." I narrowed my eyes at him and he shrugged. I continued cooking, eventually taking the sandwiches out of the skillet and plating them, cutting them down the middle before bringing it over to the island.

"Two cheese toasties as requested." I said, sitting his plate down in front of him.

"Now, usually I would make this with tomatoes soup, but I don't have any of the ingredients, so these'll have to do."

"I'm sure it'll taste great, regardless." He told me and I smiled.

He comes in front of me, scoops me up with his arm around my waist, and deposits me on the counter.

"Why do you insist on sitting me up here? I'm not uncivilized, I have chairs." I informed him.

"I enjoy being able to do this..." He leaned in and kissed my lips.

"...and of course, I also opt to sit down and devour your pussy, either way easy access." He said, and I chuckled.

"Taste your food."

"What, the gatita or the grilled cheese?" He grinned idiotically. (kitty)

"I don't know what the first word was, but I'm sure it was something naughty, so let me be specific, eat your grilled cheese sandwich." I told him.

He picked up one half of the grilled cheese and took a bite, he chewed and nodded his head in approval. It satisfied me, so I grabbed my sandwich, getting a great cheese pull out of it before taking a bite.

"So... I'm going on a trip to Vegas soon."

"How long will you be there?"

"Three days."

"That sounds fun. Are you going to go sightseeing or maybe take a pleasant walk on the strip?"

"As much as I would enjoy that, it's not that kind of trip. I'm going there on business. "

"What type of business?"

"Serious business."

"So you're going to be working the whole time you're there?"

"Most likely."

"Mhm okay, does that mean I can't call you?"

"I'll always have time to hear your sweet voice, angel." He said, and his words made me smile.

"Before I leave, you know I'm opening another restaurant."

"Yes. I'm aware." I acknowledge my head.

"How would you think about accompanying me there?"

"Are you appealing to me 'as' your date?"

"Yes, you'll be my date."

"Okay, than I guess I would love to be your plus one."

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