2. your favourite thing to do ,when you have free time

3. your best friends name ?

4. your dream ?

5. your skin care routine ?

and there are many more questions ,they are indeed growing interest in this conversation

yn- yeah you are right

staff- *knocked at the door * mam the set is ready

joo kyung - okay coming

yn- lets go

at the set -

yn went and sat on a couch ,this interview is organized at a open place which have a great ocean view and nature ,this is a live broadcasting

director-mam this is a live broadcast and currently its gonna broadcast on more than 30 countries ,i hope you already read the questions

yn- yes sir i read them

director- okay mam tell us when you are ready

yn-iam ready sir we can start it

director-okay * to staff* start the live

they start the live ,director signs the host to starts the program

host- hello and welcome to our live broadcast and today's topic is "know our ideal better " and we gonna ask miss yn some questions about her ,but before that i should introduce myself

" iam your hope ,your my hope iam jhope" so before directly jumps on questions ,i would like to ask you mam ,how are you feeling here in this nature

yn- its calming and too relaxing ,iam feeling really peaceful here

jhope- thats good and thats why i always says keep your surrounding clean to keep your mind clean and fresh

yn- thats so true, always clean your surrounding

jhope- okay so without wasting more time i should ask some questions

yn- sure *smiles*

jhope- so the first question is we heard that you used to be a ballet dancer ,you used to take part in lots of competitions is it true?

flashbacks -

han su - here your money now change the questions and make sure no one suspects you

??- *nods and went out*

?? changed the list of orignal questions with han su's questions

flashback ends

yn went silent as she didn't expect this question and this topic is still a sensitive topic for her ,jhope looked at her when she didn't said anything and to ease the situation jhope asked another question

jhope - why did you leaved ballet ? whats the reason and we also heard you signed for world's biggest competition of ballet but then why did you never reached there

yn still didn't said anything she is doing her best in keeping herself normal cause this things still hurts and talking about them infront of billions of peoples is so difficult for her, when jhope saw that she is still silent he looked towards the camera and director ,the director signs him to continue so jhope moved on to next question

jhope - we heard back then you stayed in hospital for a long time what's the reason ? and will you ever gonna make a come back

and thats it yn is feeling to bad even though her expressions her calm from outside but her mind is not at rest ,but before jhope could say anything a voice interupt their conversation

suga-shall i answer this questions instead of my sister

flashbacks -

jhope picked the list of questions and read them

jhope- something is fishy *call's suga *

on call - suga - yes jhope any important matter cause right now iam quite busy

jhope - as you know iam taking interview of your sister but this questions are too weird like they all are focussed on her past ,i dont think they are appropriate enough to ask in live

suga - thats what i heard from taehyung ,he told me about han su's plan and we both are arranging this

jhope- its time for me to go shall i ask them to change the quesstions

suga- no you just do your job we will manage it

jhope- okay

flashbacks end

jhope looked at suga and nods at him with a smile and looked at camera

jhope- surprise! miss yn wants to introduce her brother to you all and thats why we prepared this dramatic scene,so without any delay i would like to introduce you all to mr min yoongi who is business tycoon and i think you all know him well

suga-hello guys iam suga and without any delay i would like to answer the questions ,first is yes its true that my sister used to do ballet when she was in her teen age ,she leave ballet cause that time she wants to focus on her study and about hospital back then she used to have some problem in her leg due to ballet and about comeback it depends on her but i should warned some of so call 2g ballet dancers that it will be tough competition for you all to survive

see you all in next part ,till then keep on commenting and liking my story

SAVAGE BABY (KTH FF)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon