Chapter 1

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so.... welcome to my new book

No much Introductions cause y'all know what you are here for

Also this a bxb book. That means Dick in ass. Grinding dicks. Male into male. Chest rubbing chests. Nipple sucking. So if you are not into this kindly exit.

Thank you

So yeah. Let's get to it

Fourth pov:

"Today is the day"the voice that was somewhat disturbing my peace echoes for the millionth time


"I can feel your sarcasm" My wolf says blandly

"Can you..."

"Do we have a problem young man?"

"You have been echoing 'today is the day' since I opened my eyes this morning Give it a rest. I'm working" I reply rolling my eyes as I hear him scoff

"Today is the day" he echoes ignoring me as I groan trying to block him out but this buttface doesn't seem to go away. His excitement was getting me annoyed

Mile. My lovely, annoying werewolf. A pain in my ass

"Hey! You love me"

"Never have I ever said that" I mutter ignoring his rumble as I stare at the files in my hands with narrow eyes trying to understand the gibberish that was written on it,some people needs to get their handwriting checked before writing words 

Was that a G or a Y

I groan skipping the paper before sighing as I see the next one. It just keep getting worst

I was supposed to get this papers done before the coronation but the annoying wolf I have was stopping me from doing any work cause of his rumbling which was constantly reminding me of what today is and the writings wasn't even making it any easier. I wasn't supposed to do this in the first place but being an alpha has it's consequences. Any other werewolf would have been out partying before the time of their coronation to get locked with a person forever

Today,I clock eighteen and I get to meet the person I would spend my whole life with,the person that was supposed to give me joy and peace,the person that I was destined to love with all my heart and half soul cause apparently they are my other half. It's also the day I officially become an alpha

I don't get it. I really don't. I don't get the hype of having a mate, someone the moon goddess choose for you cause she knows the best.

Fuck her

Why can't we choose who we want,who we would want to spend our life with,who we would want to love and cherish forever not someone from no where who sometimes are the worst person ever and we can't rejected them it will either kill them or make their wolf feral to the point they weaken and die if the human form eventually survive that stage of weakness the person won't be able to speak. They would be dumb. So what is the whole point of giving them someone she knows would rejected them clearly she is 'all knowing'. Sometimes I envy the humans

She is a bitch I tell you

My phone beeping pull my eyes from the papers to see it was my girlfriend. I felt myself smile as I read the text

"Can't wait for your coronation. One more hour!"

I chuckle slightly sending a heart before focusing back on the papers.

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