01: Discussion

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The six personas started following Cleo around, knowing Cleo she's kind of clever and have a sensitive sense of hearing. To put it in simple words Cleofrancia sense that someone is following her wherever she goes and she can also feel that there is always someone watching her over.

And that kind of Cleo's ability is making the six personas do their task properly. After three days they gathered and started to discuss about their mission.

Summit: I found nothing.

Based on their reaction they all have almost the same as Summit's face expression. It's definitely giving them headaches. But what can they do? Someone who is influential enough and acts as their step father 'George Sorciano' the highest rank General of Imperial City is the one who gave them the assignment.

Gi-an: Same here.

Summit: I think we should stop this.

Viel: Then what's next? Tell General G that Cleo is not an enemy? Guys, don't you think it's too early to give up on this assignment? What if she's really an enemy and killed the King? As one of king's protector I won't allow any of you quitting this case, you can only stop when you defeat me in the battlefield!

As expected, Viel always want success not maybe nor disappointment.

Gi-an: But what else can we do? We all see how pure Cleo is.

They surely do. Cleo can't be the most trusted servant of the king if she's too careless.

Kegan: She's too pure in our eyes.

Kegan said in a suspicious tone.

Gi-an: Hey, can you speak more in human language? You're so full of suspense.

Kegan: Can't you all sense that she's up to something but it looks like she's just stopping herself?

Out of 6 only Kegan is the most silent yet can observe 86% reality.

Viel: Make it clearer Kegan!

Kegan: She knows that someone s following her, that we're following her.

Kegan says the truth that makes Jhayvan choke from eating.

Jhayvan: Since when?

Kegan: From the very beginning, three days ago, sword market of Imperial City.

Blaire: Then why didn't you tell us?

Kegan: It's too risky.

Viel: And why is that?

Kegan stop and stare at Jhayvan as if he is scanning Jhayvan's face. Jhayvan stop moving and look at Kegan confused.

Jhayvan: Hey! Wa-what's wrong with this guy?

Kegan: Nothing! I just found it weird when you, the most talkative person in the group stops talking while we're here discussing something so important.

Kegan sounds like he is expecting Jhayvan to talked a lot during this meeting but found Jhayvan quietly eating in the corner and gave no exciting energy for solving the assignment.

This attitude of Jhayvan is new to all of them but only Kegan noticed it.

Jhayvan: What are you talking about! I'm hungry. And aren't you guys tired of my talkative attitude? You all are so lucky today 'coz I'm not in the mood to talk.

Jhayvan knows Kegan so well so he speaks and defends his self calmly.

But then Kegan just keep looking at him and trying to make Jhayvan speaks what really Kegan wanted to hear. They both just stare at each other and it just made them looks like doing a championship staring contest. Both of them are good at it. It looks like they can just communicate through their eyes. And it annoys everyone around them.

Blaire: Hey, both of you stop that.

For them to stop what they're doing Blaire slowly move Jhayvan's head to cut their staring contest. Blaire is still holding Jhayvan's face and that made Gi-an feel disgusted and puked in the air. Jhayvan just smile at him while Blaire awkwardly get his hands off of Jhayvan's face.

Summit: So who's the winner?

Summit just excitedly asks Blaire who is currently standing between Jhayvan and Keygan that made Summit imagine that Blaire is the referee and will announce the winner.

Gi-an: Pffft! That's hilarious.

Gi-an just laugh at Summit's sense of humor.

Blaire: You really like Summit's lame jokes aren't you?

Gi-an: Because, it's funny!

Blaire: Tssk! You're too obvious Andrea.

Gi-an: Hey! I told you not to call me with my second name or else...

Gi-an angrily stand up and face Blaire.

Blaire: Or else what?

But Blaire just don't give a care about it.

He knows how to make everyone around him angry but he also know what Gi-an can do to him if this man gets angry.

Gi-an: Or else I will hug you tightly.

Gi-an just stretched his arms and ready to hug the tall guy in front of him as a punishment for calling him by his second name which he hates the most.

At that very moment Blaire already know that once Gi-an catch him it will call Keygan for help and Blaire hates it so he rashly run for his life.





Gi-an and Blaire are running nonstop around the table and shouting from the top of their lungs.

Viel: You two! Stop it!

Viel tried to stop them but it seems like none of them heard what she says.

In that very moment a very strong thunder attack the meeting house and that makes everyone to stop moving and gave Viel a sharp deadly look.

Viel: What?

Viel ask and trying to look innocent.

They all know Viel is the one who did that scary thunder as she, Viel Villamil, the descendant of thunder prime element can only be the one to do such strong thunder during broad daylight.

Gi-an: Boring!

Gi-an commented as Viel stop the happenings around them.

Viel: Yeah, whatever!

Kegan: Hey! Where's Jhayvan?

Everyone pays attention to Kegan and finally noticed that Jhayvan is now nowhere to find.

It was not that long when Jhayvan leave them. Gladly no one noticed him walking out. Special thanks to the two crack heads who made the chaos earlier. Jhayvan just safely arrived at wherever he is going.

Back to the five person who is now searching for Jhayvan who's nowhere to be found now.

Kegan: That brat is really not going to tell me what he knows!

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