Chapter 6: Small Talk

Start from the beginning

"Really? So Sally is older than yo-"

"I ALWAYS WANTED A YOUNGER SISTER!" came out from the other child present, making Eri jump. Turning towards the brunette, she raised a brow.

"Younger....sister? Me?" She sounded shocked. Sally only responded with a huge grin while the adults smiled at her energy.

"Of course! I'm twelve, so that means you're now my little sister!"

Eri had no words. Her eyes were wide as saucers as the brunettes hold on her hand tightened in reassurance.

"We're gonna have so many tea parties!"

"Tea...parties? What are those?"

Let me tell you, Sally looked like Eri grew a second head.

"You don't know those!? We'll have to fix that then!" She laughed again while Eri just looked confused, her eyebrows knitting together at the girls excitement.

While Jane didn't pay much attention, trying to navigate the alleys of the city, Scarlet looked on with a small smile. She thought that Eri wouldn't talk at all and that she would be terrified of them; they are strangers afterall.

But she seemed fine. A little jumpy, though that was expected. It's good that she has someone near her age with her.

'Now Sally is the big sister'

'Eri will warm up to her soon enough'


It's been around 30 minutes since they began their travel. The city still had many people roaming around since it was around 5PM. The conversations were brief - even Sally understood that Eri needs her 'alone' time to process the situation. And Scarlet didn't wanna bother Jane while she focused on the way.

Speaking of which, Scarlet has been eyeing Jane for a while now though. The speed they were travelling slowed down and she could hear her breathing become more loud. She was getting tired.

"Jane, we can stop here if you want"

"No, it's fine"

"Don't lie to me"


"Take us up, it's fine. We have time to get there and we got far from that alley. We can buy something sweet for the girls?"

The woman waited for a response, laughing when she heard Jane chuckle;

"Count me in"


"Here you go" Jane, now wearing the blond wig, strolled up to the hidden trio - two ice creams for the kids, a pack of sour gummy worms for Scarlet and gummy bears for herself; as well as something to drink.

"Thanks!" Sally smiled, taking one while Eri just looked at the other with hesitation.

"Come on, take it. It's for you" Jane crouched to the girls eye level, stretching the arm holding the cold treat towards her.

The white haired girl wouldn't lie if she said it looked tasty - but could she really just take it?

The trio could clearly see that she was unsure. Jane put on a smile, speaking;

"I won't force you. It's fine if you don't want it," then she nodded towards Sally, "but I can tell you want some".

Indeed, Eri was taking glances on the ice cream the other girl had - not to mention her eyes seemed to brighten when she first saw it.

The white haired kid stared at Sally, then at Jane, even at Scarlet, who just nodded a little, chewing on a gummy.

With a final look, she raised her arms and took it.

"There you go"

One could not describe the way her eyes lit up when she tasted it.

"Do you like it?" Jane chuckled. The girl rapidly shook her head 'yes', mumbling a thank you.

"And what about you, feeling better-" Scarlet glanced at Jane, who was bitting off the head off of an unfortunate gummy bear.

"-what did he do to you?" chuckling, the blonde ate the rest of her treat.

"I'm getting better. It's like my every joint just aged 20 years, my God" she stretched her arms a bit, happy that the feeling left her as soon as she went out of the shadow.

"Guess it does have a limit. And you didn't wanna take a break..." Scarlet shook her head in slight disappointment, only to get an offended gasp in response.

"Do NOT act as if you are any better, you know you do the same thing, missy"

"I do NOT" Scarlet turned away, holding back a snort.

'You definitely do'

'I know'

'Then why argue?'

'Can't back down'

"Oh? And what about that time you nearly got yourself KILLED because you didn't wanna say anything?!" Jane raised a brow, arms crossed over her chest.

"That was ONE time!" The black haired woman turned back, simultaneously showing one finger up, also holding onto a gummy worm. However, before Jane could respond back, bringing more oil into this "fight", a voice spoke up, stopping her.


The two women, somewhat startled by the sudden outburst that came from none other than Sally, looked her way, only to see her hand on Eris shoulder. Speaking of the girl, her eyes were closed, holding the ice cream with both of her hands, which were slightly shaking.

'Guess she doesn't like people arguing?'

'Or raising their voices'

The women looked at eachother with worry, before they both crouched down.

"Hey, it's okay"

"We didn't mean to scare you"

"Yeah, we just sometimes argue like that"

"You always start it"


"Shut up"

"See? Perfect example!" Scarlet turned back to Eri, who was now looking up at them, eyebrows furrowed.

"Why?" she asked. The women took a second, before they pointed to the other;

"She's dumb"

"She's a bitch"

That didn't exactly help the confusion that clouded Eris mind, but Sally seemed to find their interaction funny.

Seeing that the girl still had no words, Jane changed the subject.

"You know what? I don't think we introduced ourselfs, right?" Now that seemed to catch Eris attention.

"You already know Sally..." the said girl grinned.

"...I'm Jane..." the woman pointed at herself.

"..and I'm Scarlet" the black haired woman smiled.

Eri looked from one adult to the other, nodding, before speaking up.

"I'm Eri"

The trio chuckled, putting aside the fact that they already knew that, finding it rather cute that she introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you properly, Eri" Scarlet and Jane both smiled as Sally took Eris hand, swaying it from front to back with a grin, holding Mr.D in her other hand.

The duo then stood up, done eating their treats.

"Alright, where to now?"


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