I love you

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"Hey Kenz, everybody's here for you and Liv's dinner," Darry said, waiting on the other side of the door. I opened the door and smiled. "Thanks Dar," I said and kissed him on the cheek. He winked and I followed him to the kitchen.

I ran over and jumped on Liv, making us both fall to the ground. Luckily, this is the one day I wore dark blue boyfriend jeans and a red tube top. My hair was wavy and I had white converse on.

Liv and I laughed as we rolled on the floor. "Weirdos," Steve said. "I wanna join!" Two-Bit said and laid on the ground on top of us. We all laughed as Liv and I kissed Two-Bit on the cheek. The three of us stood up and Darry put an arm around us. "As requested, I've made spaghetti and meatballs for the two Harvad students," He said. "And for dessert, of course, chocolate cake,"

"Thank you Darrel," I said, kissing his cheek. "Congratulations little ladies," Sodapop said. He kissed us both on the head and everybody
else gave us high fives or hugs.

"You guys really didn't need to do all of this," I said as we dished up our food. "It's amazing, seriously," Liv said. "You two deserve it!" Ponyboy said. "I love you Ponyboy," I said and his cheeks turned pink. I winked at him and he smiled. "Love ya," He said. I giggled as Dally handed me a glass of chocolate milk. "You didn't roofie me did you?" I asked. He leaned close to me. "If I wanted to fuck you, I'd just ask," He whispered in my ear.

Chills ran down my spine as he went back to normal. "Can't believe you two are gonna graduate before Two-Bit," Ponyboy said.

"I can," Everybody else said. Two-Bit frowned. "You're amazing Two," I said. He smiled and went back to eating his food. "Hey, did Soda and Steve show you guys the car we fixed up?" I asked. "Not yet," Ponyboy said. "I wanna see," Dally said. "After dinner we'll show ya," Steve said.

After we ate, everybody went out to see the car but Darry pulled me aside. "I got a little somethin' for you," He said.

"Oh Darry you didn't have to," I said as he handed me a tiny little gift bag. "Go on then," He said. I looked inside and there was a little box with a neat ribbon tied around it. I untied it and opened the box to see a key. "Darrel I-," "I know it ain't much, but you're family now, and I want ya to feel like this place is your home, you live here now, don't feel like a guest, I want you to know it's yours as much as ours," He said. I smiled as my eyes went glossy. "Thank you so much Darry," I said and wrapped my arms around him.

"I truly appreciate this so much," I said. "You have no idea,"

"I'm glad we have ya kiddo, this is your home now," He said. "Thank you," I said. He smiled and pat me on the shoulder before going outside. I followed suite.

Everybody was messing around in the road and taking turns with driving the car.

Dally saw me sit down on the steps to the porch and sat down next to me. "What's on your mind?" He asked. "Everything," I said. "Especially you,"

He looked me in the eyes and his deep blue eyes had no emotion. They never did. But the way he looked at me, searching for answers, god it made me miss him even more. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I miss you Dallas," I said. "Everyday,"

"I hate myself for breakin' up with you,"

He stayed quiet, pulling a cigarette out and placing it between his lips. He lit it, breathing in, then blowing the smoke out. He took the cigarette between his fingers and handed it to me. I took it between my lips, repeating the action he did.

"I miss you too," He said after a moment. "I've felt like shit for the way I spoke to you the day after, I'm just a dick and couldn't bring myself to apologize," He said, taking the cigarette back from me. "I didn't blame you," I said. "I blamed myself for hurting you, or at least that's why I thought you said it,"

He didn't say anything. "I've never cared about anybody other than myself," He said.

"I met the guys and they're my family, but Johnny, he's been the only thing I've cared about that much," He said. "I know," I said. "Then at some point, you snuck in," He said, handing the cigarette to me. "I didn't want to care about you," He said. "I can't care about you,"

"Why not?" I asked. "You're everything, Mack," He said. "You're perfect and that scared the fuck out of me,"

"I'm not perfect," I said. "You are to me," He said. "Caring about you means I have something to lose," He explained. "Having something to lose means-," "That you can get hurt," I said. He nodded. "I didn't want to hurt you," I said. "I know," He said. "Me either,"

"I want you more than anything," He said. "That's scary to me,"

"Dal," I said, putting my hand under his chin, turning his face towards me. "I know you don't say it to anybody, so I don't expect you to say it, but I love you Dallas, and trust me that scares the hell out of me too," I said. "But I do...love you,"

"I don't know if-," "I love you too," He whispered. "Mackenzie, nobody's ever had the affect on me that you do, fuck I've always been a man whore and everybody knows it," He said and I smiled slightly. "But I haven't kissed a single person since I met you, or even thought about it,"

"Me either," I said. "I think, maybe, we just did this wrong the first time," I said. "And then we fucked because we were jealous of other people," He said. "James is gay," I said and he rolled his eyes and smirked. "You bitch," He said and I laughed. "I think living together was probably the worst idea we've ever had," I said.

"Yeah," He said. "But god I loved being near you all the time,"

"Me too," I said. "I live here now, though," I added. "Maybe it'll be better," He said. I took one last drag of the cigarette and handed it back to him. He put it out in the dirt and leaned on his knees. I laid my head on his shoulder. "I know this might sound dickish," He said. "But please don't tell anybody I'm scared of caring,"

"I won't love," I said. "I promise,"

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