Chapter 1: The War of Nations

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Chapter 1.1: The Train of Nations

Fahad had always been a calm and collected individual, but the incessant flapping of wings above his head had pushed him to the brink. He was on a train, heading through a picturesque countryside, enjoying the view, or at least, trying to. However, a group of pesky birds, perhaps pigeons or crows, seemed to have made it their mission to ruin his tranquility. Their raucous cawing and fluttering were unbearable, and he had had enough.

In a fit of annoyance, Fahad decided to take matters into his own hands. He climbed up to the roof of the train, determined to shoo away the birds, or at least give them a piece of his mind. As he reached the top, he was greeted by a surprising sight – a terrifying figure with the body of a dog but the posture and weaponry of a humanoid. It was Borys, a formidable creature, wielding a gleaming katana.

The wind ruffled Fahad's hair as he met the creature's fierce gaze. "What are you?" Fahad stammered, unable to hide his surprise.

Borys growled, his eyes fixed on Fahad. "I am Borys, the guardian of these skies. I protect them from disturbances, like those pesky birds. What are you doing here?"

Fahad, though perplexed, was not one to back down. He replied, "I'm Fahad, and I just wanted to get rid of those birds."

Borys raised his katana menacingly, ready for a fight. Fahad realized he had no choice but to defend himself. With a mixture of courage and desperation, he dodged the first strike, and after a furious clash of steel, he managed to disarm Borys. To everyone's astonishment, the human-doge figure retreated, defeated.

As Fahad was catching his breath, he heard a voice coming from a peculiar source. It was Dodolulupepe, a Minecraft Strider perched on a makeshift spaceship. "Good job, Fahad! You've won the battle. Now, I have a confession to make. I destroyed the train tracks."Fahad was incredulous. "What? Why would you do that?"

Dodolulupepe explained, "I'm on a mission to save my homeland in the Nether, and the train was interfering with my path. Now that the tracks are gone, you and Borys must find another way out of here quickly."

The situation had taken a bizarre turn, but Fahad knew he had no choice. He helped Borys back to his feet and together, they hatched a plan to escape the stranded train. It was a strange partnership, but they had a common goal - to get away from the impending danger.

As they hurriedly explored their surroundings, Fahad and Borys discovered an old, abandoned train station. With teamwork and determination, they managed to get an old locomotive running. It chugged to life, and they left the train behind, now just a memory of an odd adventure.

With Dodolulupepe leading the way in his makeshift spaceship, they embarked on a journey into the unknown, leaving behind the strange incident involving the birds, the human-doge, and the broken train tracks far behind.

Chapter 1.2: The Beast of Nations

In the enchanting landscapes of the Oily Kingdom, a coastal paradise, three unlikely companions had found themselves on the Godwit Express, a magnificent, colossal godwit bird that possessed the remarkable ability to soar through the skies. Charlotte, the Corsican native, was joined by RETF, a devout Muslim who had an unusual companion - a small, tree-dwelling frog, and Fahad, an adventurous soul seeking thrilling experiences.

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