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We begin with Freeza in an unknown planet, wounded badly, and frantically trying to run from something, or someone.

Most of his men are dead, while the rest are too frightened to intervene to try to save their supposed emperor.

As Freeza kept limping, someone caught what was left of his tail. Freeza turned his head, only to look in horror at the intimidating figure looking down upon him.

"p...please" said the bloodied emperor "have mercy....I am your brother"

"hmph! spare me your pleas, Freeza." said the figure "you're a pathetic excuse of an emperor"

the figure then shoot a death beam through Freeza's head, killing him before he even has a chance to fight.

We then see that the figure was a frost demon, just like Freeza. But he had purple skin with white armor-like carapaces on his chest, shoulders, shins, and head.

"Salza! inform the rest of freeza's minions that they work for me now!" ordered the frost demon

"as you wish lord cooler" responded salza

Dragonball Atarashi eiyu: arrival of cooler sagaWhere stories live. Discover now