~Uncharted Territory Chapter 1~

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Even from a young age I was always told by everyone that I was destined for amazing things, but I never believed them. With a sharp incline of my breath, my feet pound hard on the icy ground beneath me as I continue to run. These were the steps that led me on a journey my whole life.

"Hey Stop!" I wasn't really paying attention to the cops calling and chasing me down in the distance. My mind was too wrapped up in my own worries to care about them.

"In your dreams!" I called out almost mockingly, not knowing who could hear me.

Let me start from the beginning. It was never my intention and I never imagined that my life would be one of constant running, at least not yet. Yet here I am, on the run again. To be on the run is not just about physical obstacles that constantly threaten your existence. It's a constant escape from the past, from the dark secrets that follow you wherever you go.

Despite the fear that grips me, I press on. The frigid winter air burns my lungs with every icy breath, but I cannot stop. I run through the dark alleys, my heart pounding with every step. The frost-covered ground slides beneath my feet, but I push myself harder, scanning for danger in every direction.

My current state of living involves being surrounded in constant danger, and it seems that the only way to stay alive is to keep running from the threats that come my way. It is not a matter of wanting to be recognized for my speed or courage, it's much more than that. I'm not running for a race, it's not for honor or for glory, it's for survival. Some might perceive running away an act of cowardness, for others, it is simply the only course of action.

I have always found running to be a way to get away and escape, but I would have never imagined that I would have to always rely on running away like I have to now.

As I returned to the present moment, I found myself surrounded by a flurry of activity. The blaring sirens within a two-mile radius in all directions only added to the commotion while crowds of people hurriedly moved about. I dashed through the city streets, the harsh yet smooth sound of my pounding footsteps mingled with the shouts and distorted yells following behind me.

With each stride I took I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my body, pushing me to go forward with a mix of fear and determination. The repetitive beat of my racing heart echoed in my ears.

The city, once a bustling metropolis, was now transformed into a surreal urban maze. A maze with buildings filled with windows that glittered and shined like diamonds, with tall skyscrapers that loomed overhead, casting long shadows which concealed me. The bustling crowd seemed to part like a sea, startled gazes and whispers following my frenzied path. The vibrant hues of billboards and neon signs blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors.

I weaved through narrow alleys and darted around corners keeping the same fast pace while trying to lose the cops still on my tail, my senses heightened to the max. The scent of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the pungent aroma of street food and smoke which filled the air. The pulse of the city seemed to synchronize with itself, every sound making up something connected.

My gaze darted around, constantly searching for potential escape routes. I vaulted over obstacles with desperation, my body pushed to its limits just waiting for the chase to be over. But I was determined, they were not going to catch me.

The concrete beneath my feet felt unforgiving, each stride sending tremors up my legs as my feet pounded, that's what I get for being a flat-footed runner. The city around me became a blur as I moved with more speed in hopes to lose the two police after me, but they were still on my tail, now accompanied by cars whizzing down the roads attempting to cut me off. Useless.

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