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The ongoing war of the humans and the dark queen's forces have ravaged the land of Eostia, the villages outside the capital is affected by this the most.

Due to the villages remote locations and lack of immediate communication, the monsters can easily and systemically attack the unguarded villages.

Though the small communities in them tried to combat this by forming militias, their efforts prove little to no effectiveness, after all what can a few farmers and novice knights do to an army of Monstrosities?

Their efforts while futile, shows that they are willing to fight for their safety. Although the ongoing conflict only decayed their morale to fight. And, some even abandoned the hope of help from the princess knights.

But, as I said before a small force of untrained men cannot do anything of significance against a monsters that outnumbered them and have better weapons.

So the villages and villagers were easily pillaged. their homes were destroyed, women defiled, and men executed.

So the current affair in this world is not pretty to say the least.


The smoke of the burning wood, and screams of agony echeod throughout the remote Forest.

Men and women run for their lives, as the sadistic monsters begin destroying their homes. The men who were foolish enough to try to fight was brutally killed in an instant.

The laughter of the monsters only demotivated the dreadful citizens as they watched their fellow men getting killed without remorse.

Even worse, they watched the monsters defile the women in front of them with a sadistic perverse laughter of macabre pleasure; Some of the husbands of those women tried to stop this atrocity but were immediately killed .

One girl prayed for their Goddess reborn of any help but the lack of answers only put more dread of the people who were listening.

Some seeing the hopeless situation escaped via the river abandoning those who cannot traverse the strong current of the river. Others hide in their homes praying that their hiding place will not be found.

The girl kept praying her hope of a savior apparently didn't falter.

The girl prayed and prayed.

Something, someone, or anything please help them.

She can hear the heavy footsteps of the monsters closing in. The temple is supposed to be a safe haven became a bloodbath as the men who took refuge was swiftly killed .

But this didn't budge the girl's prayer.

Eventually the monster found the kneeling girl inside the chamber of the statue of the Goddess Celestine.

Seeing the defenseless the teen, a grin split the face of monsters as their eyes shine a sadistic glow.

**Awww~ still hoping for a savior lil' princess?**

The monster's voice growled in sadistic mockery..

Hearing this the girl was broken from her prayer as she see the towering figure of the ork.

The girl didn't say a thing, but it's clear that the girl is in absolute fear but her hope was still not fully squandered.

The ork laughed, as it grabbed the teen's leg with his massive arms. This makes the girl as the pain of the grip feels like bone crushing and fracturing.

The girl struggled punching the ork's arms with no effect, the Ork seemingly finding the girl struggles to be pleasurable.

**I like it when they struggle~**

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