Lingering Feelings Chap.10

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A Day Later....

you were sitting outside In the Garden's as you were enjoying some tea with your Mother, It was one that had been sent specially from the Duke of Meropide's grand collection of teas. you were glad that his ever so love of tea still remained until this day, the Investigation Into the Archambeau's was seeming to be a ghost hunt as there was still nothing to be found at all

you let out a sigh, Antonia looked to you In concern, "What's the matter dear? this is the third time you've sighed"

you shook your head and looked into your cup, "The Investigation...has become fruitless and we've almost exhausted our efforts"

your mother patted your hand, "I see, look at me (Y/n)"

you turned to look at your mother as she gave your hand's a squeeze, "I know you promised to get justice for Margot's family, what happened to her was very sad...but she knew what she was doing when she decided to throw herself In harms way"

"Maybe she did, but that's not an reason to give up getting justice for her"

Antonia let out a sigh, taking her hand back as she picked up her teacup once more but then as the wind blew through your hair just as memories of the ball returned to your head 

a blush crept onto your cheeks as you smiled fondly, "That Night...."

your mother turned, "Hm? did you say something dear"

you started, "Well...I just remembered Lady Furina's Birthday ball"

Antonia smiled, "It was quite the evening, Lady Furina always knows how to throw a party especially for herself"

you stood up from your chair, "No, I wasn't talking about that Mother...."

you went to go view the flowers as your mother wondered what you had meant, but you went to the rose bushes as you then picked one of them as you then watched out for the thorns 

you lifted the flower to your nose as you smelled Its scent, just as you thought back to that evening with Wriothesley and you dancing after so long had hadn't lost his swagger In regards to dancing. a smile came to your face as you then shook your head "That man...."

the blush returned to your cheeks as you felt giddiness inside to which you hadn't felt in a very longtime, It reminded you of those old days when Wriothesley and yourself were together 

you furrowed your brows, *those days are long why now do I feel...*

you shook your head as you then sent for Clotaire, you pruned some more roses from the bush as you made a little bouquet "Please have these sent to the Duke of Meropide"

your mother raised a brow, "you're sending him a gift?"

you smiled, "No, just to spruce up his office though I know the sun doesn't reach there It still is nice to remind him of the overworld"

Clotaire bowed, "I'll have these sent at once"

"thank you"

with a smile on your face you went back to sit down with a little spring in your step, you wondered what he'd think of the little gift you'd sent for him.

Not too later In the Fortress of Meropide, one of the duke's subordinate's was on his way to his office holding the vase of roses that you'd sent down there for him to which Sigewinnie saw. she was surprised and followed along to see out of curiosity who they were from 

"Your Grace"

Wriothesley looked up, "Yes?"

"These arrived for you, from Baroness Bellerose"

Wriothesley's eyes widened a little, he then motioned "Here, put them on my desk"

"Yes sir, The Baroness also sends her wishes that you're taking care of yourself"

a warm smile came to his face, "does she now?"

just then Sigewinnie came In, "Your Grace the flowers are so pretty! who sent them"

"(Y/n) did"

Sigewinnie smiled, "Oh! that's so sweet"

Wriothesley then dismissed his subordinate thanking him for bringing the gift, he then got up to give the roses a smell and just as he'd thought they reminded him of you 

Wriothesley caressed one of the roses petals, "even after all this time...even the most subtle things remind me of you, almost feelings never left"

Sigewinnie cocked her head, "Your Grace?"

he came out of his thoughts, "Hm?"

she smiled, "Your Grace, when is the Baroness going to visit again?"

Wriothesley sighed, "I don't know, but...I'm still going to fulfill my promises to her no matter what".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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