His Concern Chap.5

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The Next Day....

The Gardes Investigated the scene entirely and the medical staff came as well, Margot was pronounced dead despite you already knew It was true as she died in front of you last night, the news of your attempted assassination spread like wild fire throughout Fontaine and It didn't take long for It to reach the Fortress of Meropide, Upon hearing wind of it Wriothesley feared the worst and quickly wanted to leave but was advised to wait until things died down. but he didn't listen and left the Fortress In the hands of his guards for a while as he made his trip to the overworld as he knew you needed the comfort right now to to mention help, 

At Bellerose Manor you'd just gotten done being asked another round of question by the Gardes, to which you answered all of their questions though with great disturbance you didn't like to be reminded of what happened last night not to mention you had to Inform Margot's family of what happened. To which you gave your deepest condolences and said you'd take care of the arrangements for her funeral but after everyone left the manor you wished to be alone 

Wriothesley made his way to your neighborhood as he soon came upon Bellerose Manor, he rushed through the gates as he made his way to the front door before he rapped on It 

and soon Clotaire answered the door, "Ah, Your Grace please come In"

he gave a nod, "Thank you"

Wriothesley made his way inside as Clotaire took him to your father's study where you now sat alone, just as he came to the door you looked up "Yes? come in"

Clotaire opened the door as he bowed, "My Lady, His Grace Duke Wriothesley has come"

you turned in surprise, "Wriothesley?"

he stepped into the room as Clotaire left the both of you alone, you came onto your feet as he rushed over to you as he held you by the shoulders "Are you alright? did you get hurt?"

you shook your head, "No I'm alright...I was just frightened, but...the ones who attacked me they killed Margot"

"I'm so sorry"

he brought you into his arms and you hugged him back as you started to cry, all the while he rubbed your back as to comfort you as best he could "I'm sorry..."

you rested your head on his shoulder, "I don't understand...who would do this?"

"I don't know, but I can tell you one thing...I'll find out who's after you" he said

you looked up, "But I...I don't want you to get Involved, I don't want you getting hurt...I have to find them and give Margot's family justice"

"I know but you shouldn't do this alone, not now that someone clearly wants you dead"

you looked down and he cupped your cheek, "(Y/n), look at me"

you looked up into his grey eyes, "Let me help you, I'll help you bring her killer and your attacker to Justice...I promise"

tears came to your eyes once more, "Wriothesley...thank you"

Wriothesley smiled, "Anytime, no matter what I'll always be there when you need me"

you hugged him again as he held you close, but you soon broke away as there was a knocking on the door as Clotaire entered the room with a letter In his hands 

"My lady, Your Grace please excuse me this was left moments ago addressed to you"

you parted from Wriothesley and received the letter, "Thank you"

you opened It as you took out a piece of parchment, just as you started to read the letter 

* (Y/n) Bellerose, we failed to kill you this time but we shall return to finish the job and avenge our faction who was ruined by your grandfather and we wish to get even...watch yourself lest you end up like your Maid who protected you from your rightful fate....*

you furrowed your brows, "Oh my...Wriothesley here"

you showed him the letter and he read It over, "I see...I'll keep this for the time being If you don't mind"

"I don't mind at all, It'll give a clue"

Wriothesley put a hand to his chin, "Yeah, I'll ask my guards to look for what Information they can find on anyone who might have a grudge against your family, that's what It seems like"

you nodded, "I agree but It's not signed by anyone"

"Yes but our nation isn't that vast like other nations...It won't be hard to narrow things down, I'll start by looking at other noble families In Fontaine"

"Alright...but I have an Idea, It'll be easier if we ask for an Audience with Monsieur Neuvillette"

Wriothesley agreed, "Alright, let's go to the Palais then"

you then put a hand to your forehead and he looked to you In concern, "what's wrong"

"I didn't sleep at all after last night...I'm quite exhausted"

Wriothesley put his hands on your shoulders, "Okay, here...you just get some rest for now and leave all of this for tomorrow"

you let out a sigh, "alright, but let me see you out first"

he shook his head, "No I'll be fine, I'm more worried about you...I'll ask two of my subordinates to watch the manor, It seems whoever's targeting you won't stop until your dead"

you smiled tiredly, "Very well...then you'll protect me I take It?"

Wriothesley held your hand, "Yes, and I'll keep my promise"

he gave a peck atop your hand before he left your side to leave, letting himself out of the manor as you then went to go sit down again as you prayed to the Hydro Archon that all would soon be solved, but you believed In Wriothesley and his Capabilities very much.

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