What Happens At The Shore, Stays At The Shore Part II

Start from the beginning

"Well, how did things go with Teddy while I was in town? She sure seems like she's in a good mood considering she stayed at the house today. Which reminds me, why did she stay and not go? Did it have something to do with Becca, as I suspect it does?"

Arizona let out a pained burst of laughter and rolled her eyes. "She's definitely not in a good place, but Teddy seems to be coping. And, you must have missed the interchange between Becca and Teddy this morning before you left."

Arizona went on to explain that in the chaotic 5 minutes we spent as a group figuring out cars and who was riding with whom, Becca and Teddy had a quick, but serious discussion. 

"So let me get this straight, Arizona... Did Becca ask Teddy not to come in to Long Beach today?" 

By this point in our stroll, we were walking along the coastline, on the wet, compacted sand. We had exchanged holding hands for walking with our arms around each other. 

"Teddy didn't come out and say it, but the way she phrased it, sounded more like Becca's idea and not her own."

"Did Teddy tell you why she stayed at the house, or is that still a, 'mystery,' too?" 

"Callie, I'm still piecing together everything Teddy told me, but she was being somewhat vague to spare me. In the end, I really didn't get much out of her."

"While I get Teddy was being considerate, wow is this whole situation confusing and concerning to watch from the sidelines.  Is it just me sweetie, or do you see this potentially not ending well for one or both women?"

"Actually, I don't see this ending well and have a feeling it won't be Becca that walks away hurt. The two of them are at completely opposite ends of what they want from a relationship."

"Arizona? What did Teddy say had been going on between them the last two days and nights?" 

And there was the question of the weekend we'd all been watching unfold and wondering about...

"Teddy didn't say anything specific, other than, "Becca wasn't acting like someone that was avoiding intimacy last night." She didn't say much else, but I haven't figured out exactly what that means. What do you think she meant, Callie?"

There it was, the worst answer I've ever heard! Teddy's response was so cryptic, it opened up more doors than I'd thought about until then.

"Do you think they had sex, Arizona? Teddy's answer begs for more questions than it provides answers."

"I don't know if they had sex. It could mean anything or nothing happened. Either way, I sense Teddy has been falling for Becca. Meanwhile, Becca seems to be playing the hot and then cold and then hot again, game. At least that is my take of what's been happening the last few days."

"I think you hit the nail on the head with your assessment, Arizona. While I'm sad this vacation is almost over, I won't miss watching the up close and personal interactions between those ladies next week!"

Arizona kissed my cheek and said, "Amen! I have been thinking the same thing, Callie. It's nothing personal about them individually, it's their collective that has been exhausting to live with this weekend. Thank goodness we can all get back to our, "normal," lives next week."

Which reminded me..., "Speaking of our non-normal, vacation lives Arizona, what's the plan for tomorrow for the cookout and bonfire on the beach? I bumped into Meredith in Long Beach today and she was asking what time to be here."

"I'm glad you reminded me, Callie. Rachel and Em will be here mid-afternoon to cater heavy appetizers and then dinner. I'll send Meredith a text when we get back to the house. It should be a relaxing last day without much to do."

The Aftermath of Callie and Arizona - Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now