11. Gummy Worms

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The foam from a wave gets smashed by my boots as I continue with my morning run, except this time it's only Kid and I

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The foam from a wave gets smashed by my boots as I continue with my morning run, except this time it's only Kid and I. No Shimmy. He's over in Michigan, where his brother lives, and being hospitalized. I talked to him a little bit last night in between his flights, but I know I'll need to call him before I head over to Peyton's.

At the thought of Peyton, my whole-body tenses and my mouth goes dry. For a second, I swear I can still taste her. Never in my life have I been so addicted. What's weird is, when I'm away from her, I enjoy the growing need to see her and feel her. 

It's almost as addictive as her.

I loved feeling her velvety lips against mine, her mango scent filling my nose. When I sat across from her last night, her deep smooth blue eyes devoured me like I was a feast for her private viewing. I couldn't take it anymore. The way she was biting her lip was sending me into madness and I practically taunted her. I was a man starved with a desperate need only she could fill.

Then her eyes hit mine and I knew. The heated force I used to push the corner of the table out of her way as she lunged at me, was filled with a possessiveness to claim her as mine, to protect her from any and all harm, even a sharp-edged corner of a patio table.

Then, like a magnet, when I dropped her off at home, I was sucked back right to her when she admitted to wanting more. Whatever is going on between us is dominating both of our senses and actions... 

And it could be dangerous.

I want this woman.

But would she be able to be separated from me when I have to work? 

Would she remain faithful?

Would she want me to quit?

Quitting is no option for me. Being a SEAL is my calling. What I was created to do. There is no other profession for me. This is what drove my other relationship to the ground, and for me to taste the sharp blade of betrayal in my bones.

I had given Peyton a small nugget of my past last night on our walk home. Now, the two separate thoughts are converging as a scenario plays out in my head.

Peyton is like those puppies. I'd bring her in and give her love and support, a foundation, but then.... Instead of throwing her out, I leave, willingly.

How many times will she be okay with waking up in the morning with me gone?

Not knowing anything.

I used to be content with where my life was at, but since I've met her, I want more. I want the house, kids and most importantly her

What would that cost?

Kid gives a snort beside me, and I realize I'm already jogging up to my apartment, my run over. I shower and get changed, pushing my thoughts to the side. My mind continues to checkout as I drive toward Mel's where I told Birdy, Toothpick and our new recruit, Evans, to meet me.

Beyond the Cerulean WavesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt