♡ Chapter - 7 ♡

Start from the beginning

"Bro, you suck at lying..." Volt thought to himself .

Commander Chen was getting nervous and uneasy again, Max becoming more anxious by the minute, Lucy and Volt stared at each other and Sammy just fiddling with his finger as they all waited patiently for what Commander Zeos would say .
Commander Zeos looked around at everyone including me, he gave an uneasy feeling .

He cleared his throat . "Chen, please don't tell me he's your assistant..." He asked as he pointed to Austin disappointedly .

"Ummm, why sir ?" Chen asked

"It's just, I expected something better... something more...responsible and mature..." He explained .

"Oh... Don't worry he's responsible enough... 😅" Commander Chen replied with a tone of slight annoyance .

"Either way, you all know why I called for this meeting...?" Commander Zeos continued .

"To discuss how we can take down Pascal and improve the Miniforce...?"  Sammy guessed .

"Incorrect !, it's to discuss your behavior and performance !" He yelled in a fit of rage .

Commander Chen looked confused .

"After that little 'stunt' your Mini-Agent pulled off...." He pointed to Max, "...your performance has really gone down, you couldn't even take down Pascal, the only thing you cared about was saving him !" He then pointed to Austin .

"Oh..." Commander Chen sighed .

"Now tell me, which is more important ; saving your 'family' or defeating Pascal ?" He asked .

"Ummm, saving... Family...?" Lucy responded shyly .

"Incorrect !" He yelled as he slammed his fists on the table nearly damaging it .

Commander Chen shook in slight fear .

"Oh, what's that ?, you're afraid of me Chen ?, you're still afraid of your older-brother after all these years ?" Commander Zeos gave a slight smirk .

"Brother...?, he never told me they were related..." Austin thought to himself .

"N-no, of course not..." Commander Chen stuttered .

Commander Zeos took a deep breath, "Dad was right, you are a useless wimp..." .

Commander Chen didn't reply, instead he looked down at the table .

"Either way, I'm hoping you and your team are able to improve your performances and defeat Pascal before things get worse..." Commander Zeos sighed .

"Right..." Commander Chen replied awkwardly .

I've never seen Commander Chen so afraid before...This was all new to me...

Commander Zeos stood up ; "Either way I must be on my way now" He said as he began to walk out the door .

Austin gave a sigh of relief .

"Oh and Austin ? Your outfit sucks by the way... 🙄" Luke said as he followed the Commander out .

"Kill yourself b☆tch 🖕 !" Austin yelled back as a response .

"Okay 🙃" Luke said with a stupid smile before he walked out finally .

We were all shocked by what Austin had said, well except for Commander Chen who seemed pissed .

"O-oh, sorry about that..." Austin said as he looked down in embarrassment .

We were all silent for a moment, Commander Chen looked abit pissed as he stared at Austin, Ausin looked back with a concerned expression on his face .

"You can all take your leave now..." Commander Chen said .

"Alright sir... " Sammy, Lucy, Ipas, I and Max responded while Volt just made a slight noise .

"Max, I'll see you at home..." Austin told Max .

"Alright dad..." Max said as he walked out .

Austin and Commander Chen stared at each other . Commander Chen seemed pissed off .

"(Y/N), could you please excuse us...?" Commander Chen requested .

"Oh, okay 😶👌" I responded as I walked out leaving the two alone .

⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝ ︎Austin's POV ⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝ ︎ ↓

The Commander kept staring at me, did I do something wrong during the meeting ?

"Austin..." Commander Chen sighed .

"Sir...?" I answered nervously .

"You f♡cked-up today..." Commander Chen admitted .

"I don't understand sir..." I replied .

"I mean, you disappointed me today !" Commander Chen face-palmed .

I didn't reply .

" 'He's just like Mia' , what was that about, and the f♡ck is Mia !?" Commander yelled .

"I... I'm sorry sir... I really am..." I replied .

"F♡ck... F♡ck... F♡ck !" The Commander screamed .

I paniced , I honestly didn't know what else to do .

"Sir, please calm down, I-" I was unexpectedly cut off by him aggressively grabbing my throat while forcing me against the wall . I stared at him in shock .

"Do you realise what Zeos could have done if he had heard you !?" Commander Chen gripped my throat tighter causing it to hurt really bad .

"I didn't mean to sir ! I'm s-sorry !" I on the verge of tears but tried my best to hold them back .

"Shut the f♡ck up !" He screamed back in fustration .

(✧∇✧)╯Chen's POV╰(✧∇✧) ↓

I glared at Austin, he seemed really scared, and he was... Crying...? Was he crying !?
I realised what I was doing and quickly let go off him .
He fell to his knees as he bled on the floor .

"Oh sh☆t Austin !, are you okay !?" I helped him up .

"I'm fine sir..." He calmly said .

"Let's get you to the med-bay..." I said as I helped him walk through the door .

(Sorry this chapter took so long, you know school and all, either way, I have another story I'm working on : https://www.wattpad.com/story/354047364?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=Molley4eva&wp_originator=TfdVTyL00UzjMoJKPy8JEBMUpAC%2B6lKUkS32CPYoCKEO%2FYfKFTwLH2ZsUtv6xb%2F9uKbStF%2BQmy%2FN%2B4PCOl1Uims8sH%2FCvnur84x%2BxUceA8eI%2BwF5W9uRJHdPAtQ9GaQ5
Feel free to check it out, bye for now ^^) .

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