
I will text you the address!!


want me to pick you up?


Bitch you are not driving


Bitch yes, I am


you're drinking, hoe!


Fine, I'll call Milo through and pick you up


YES! that works




I can not believe this bitch convinced me to go out tonight. I was supposed to have a chill night, no drinking, no boys, no distractions. I have to be on set tomorrow at 6 am, and here I am at 7 pm going out to a bar. WITH DREW THERE. If Drew were there, then Kiara would be there. Great, I didn't even think of that.

Madison probably knows but won't tell me cause she knows I won't come if Kiara is there. I'm debating not going because Drew is there, and after today's texts, I don't know if I want to see him. Scratch that, I do, So I can finally ask him what the fuck is up with him and those texts today!

I got out of bed and walked to my closet; I had no idea where we were going and how to dress for this occasion. Do I go cute, sexy, or fancy? These were hard decisions to make on such short notice. I go for a fundamental outfit. Blue low-rise jeans that had a handprint in paint on one ass cheek. Corey and I customized it.

We took some material paint, and he covered his whole hand and put it on my ass. It was an enjoyable activity; that was the first time he and I hooked up. I put on a small white tank top and a pink and white striped dress shirt.

I put on light makeup before texting Madison that Milo was coming to mine. I walk downstairs to my kitchen, open the 'alcohol fridge,' as I call it, and take out a bottle of cold tequila. I pour it into a shot glass and bring it to my lips.

The liquid stings my mouth, and while it's making its way down my throat, I can't stop myself from making a face. I hated straight liquor, but I knew I would need it tonight. I walk back upstairs to grab my bag and put on some perfume.

Milo texted me that he was in front, and I made my way to the front door. Before my hand could reach the doorknob, I looked back into my kitchen and debated. Do I take another shot or not? Fuck it.

I make my way back into the kitchen and grab the whole bottle. I bring it to my lips and take a few big swings. My stomach does not thank me for that. I quickly take gum into my mouth so I won't throw up and walk out of my apartment.

I knew these swings would get me at least tipsy, so at least it would be easier to deal with Kiara.

Madison made her way out of her apartment building, and my mouth was practically on the floor. She looked stunning; she was wearing a short dress with crystals all over it and a slight heel. She gives me her beautiful smile as she opens the door to the car.

My boy / Drew StarkeyWhere stories live. Discover now