Chapter 4

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They  always say blood is thicker than water. Indeed it's  very correct; the wise man was right to state so. When loneliness  craves in; like I never knew any other  persons  in  my life. I sit still wondering  where on earth my parents would have disappeared  to. I too wish  the earth would swallow  me.
Seated at my usual spot in the grazing  field ,contemplating  on many issues.
Suddenly  I feel a little  transport in my blood streams making me smile.

I have for long not heard  from my little sister. I have a sister younger than me. Kate is four years I guess. She resides at my uncle's household. It is one hill apart opposite  to my grandfather's home.
Any man can hear what ever goes wrong in the other household;arguments  have never been at a low pitch. They always  get tense with  the wife.
As you do well know that young couples  normally don't  get at same terms.
One could also notice whether they have cooked or not.
It's  the  smoke that guts out of the chimneys  or the   splitting of firewood.  Uphill you could also monitor which visitor has come; such a great landscape.

Talking of visitors, I was always hopeful  that maybe  one day , that road across would carry some happiness  unto my face.To warmly  welcome someone.
Alas! It's the villagers that keep scavenging  about.

Kate does the house chores steadily. Once in a while uncle buys her some new cloths.  Auntie  also plaites her hair. She is a fine village girl. Next year around this month she needs to start schooling. Uncle's  wife is childless. Kate is like one of her own.

Lost in a whirlpool  of thoughts, the winds blow.  A little drops of tears. I feel down but nobody  to share my sorrow with. I very hard try to discover myself  but still lost. I got to be strong,I am the only hope for my sister.I have got to be strong and act fine.This despair  won't take me any other further; just to steal away my spirits, my positivity.  One day it will shine. I am great medic to heal my own wounds.

Crickets,the birds and the gulping of the water downstream,The goats begin evacuating one by one. It's a sign they are satisfied. Grazing goats is fun. They need less monitoring  when they invade the swamp to feed. They are good at grazing and accurate  at time.when the evening  starts darkening,  they find their way home. I too see the situation, but have no way home,it darkens right in my face; maybe it's not yet the time.Noboby to pick me up yet.

We are seated at the fireplace, Grandmother  is done with cooking. Grandfather  is roasting some corn aside.

"Tell me Joseph!" He utters out.
"Have you not ever missed your parents?"
I sat staring at him, my eyes popped up,listening  and eager  with my eyes.
Well , i will tell you.
"Long you have demanded to know and yes! It's right you know. We don't know  what tomorrow  brings."
I feel a little  anxious. I could feel some sweat ,my heart   pumping  than normal. I feel like he should not tell. I feel not ready to listen .I fear I might not handle.  Grandfather  narrates " ........your father is a business  man  in town. Hate him not. He pays your fees and sends me upkeep money."
"How about my mother?" I eagerly ask.
"It's a very long story .but I will give you some for today. She traveled  to  the  city . Kampala  city. Very distant.needs to climb a bus and time to reach."
Mother and father did separate.Mother has never come back ever since.

I would like to believe  but am not contented. I feel something  missing but at least can relieve my soul for the information  Grandfather  has told me.
It's long been torturing  me. Though still feel a sense of neglect. Why would our parents abandone us? It might be the circumstances  but......still am not convinced. My mind is totally torn apart ,can't add up the puzzle.
Life is like a puzzle if a piece misses, life is never complete.
The whole night got me restless. I couldn't sleep. Kept sobbing  deep in my heart. But I did realize I wouldn't change anything but accept my fate.

  Dear Lord ,the Almighty  who watches over us. Please do hear out my cries. There is still ever a chance to change my destiny......

The Mother's ChildTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon