Part 5 - A close call

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As you walked down the street, you saw where Mailyn used to be and the pit in your stomach clenched. You tried to focus as you walked past it.
There was no rain today, a pause in the damp weather. You hoped it would brighten you and Ayaka's mood.
When you approached the Estate, Ayato came out and motioned you to come in. When you enter, you see a surprised and slightly worried looking Ayaka sitting at a big round table. She looks at you and collects herself. You and Ayato sit.
"Y/N, as a detective, I'm sure you're familiar with the 94 gang," Ayato starts, catching your alarmed look. "Yes. They're ruthless on Tatarasuna island. They carve 94 into the forehead of their victims; their victims are always young women. But they're in Tatarasuna the last time I checked. Is there a new development?" You were starting to get nervous and it could be heard in your voice. "Yes. They have been getting closer to Inazuma city, and just last night they found a body with 94 etched into his forehead. That is why I would like you to be extra observant and careful while guarding my sister. Is that understood?" Your heart skipped a beat.
"Yes, sir."

As you walked the streets of Inazuma, an uneasy feeling hovered over you like a storm cloud. You swear you could feel someone watching you - you could even sense it. But you put your worries in the back of your mind, Ayaka's safety being the most important thing right now.

The day went by with no problems. It was unsettlingly easy. But the uneasy feeling lingered - even into the night. Your eyes kept farting around your room, as if expecting a 94 gang member to pop out.
Your eyes shut at around 3-4 AM, guaranteeing a rough morning tomorrow.

The morning went by quicker than you thought it would, but your eyes stung from the late nights.
You and Ayaka spent the day with Thoma in Komore Teahouse, playing hot-pot at one point. The combinations were strange, but nothing bad thankfully.
The air seemed tense as you made your way back to your house, your eyes reminding you of your warm bed and the sleep you lacked.
You were about to go off to bed after cleaning up after dinner, when you heard knocking on the door. When you answer it, Heizou is standing there. When he looks at you, relief reflects in his eyes.
"Heizou?" He stops you.
"Are you alright? I just heard about the murder and my heart dropped when I realized it was near you. I thought-..."
His eyes glazed over with a layer of tears. You put your hand on his shoulder, saying his name. He whimpers quietly, and hugs you quickly, as you stumble back a bit but regain your balance. You hug him back, your right hand going up to the back of his head and the other squeezes his back. You can feel his heart beating, and breathing. Your heart feels hollow as you listen to him quietly sniffle, and feel his hug tighten.
"Heizou, I'm okay. I'm here." You play with his hair.
"I'm here..."

You stand there, hugging him as he silently cries, in the cool rain stained air. You blushed, the realization of how close you were suddenly hitting you.
"Heizou, let's get inside. It's freezing out here." You said, your breath coming out in puffs into the cold, dark night. He sniffled, then wiped his eyes and followed you inside.
You both sat on your couch, side by side, him leaning on you slightly.
You giggled. "I didn't know you cared that much about me."
He chuckled a little, which put your mind at ease. "Of course I do. You're my best friend," he said. "And my partner~" he teased, sitting up and looking at you, your faces only inches apart. You blushed bright red, as he realized how close your faces were. You could feel your heart racing in your chest.
What are you doing, you thought, this is Heizou! Childhood best friend.
Then he leaned back. Then stood up. "Well, um. I'm glad you're alright, and I should get going now." You followed him out, but your heart screamed at him to stay.
"Heizou, wait!" Your voice surprised you as he turned. "Be careful. I care too, you know!" He smiled.
As he walked away, disappearing into the alleyway, your heart and mind fought.
You didn't sleep much again that night, flustering yourself with the memories.

The next day, when walking in a less crowded area of the city, a man with a knife darts at Ayaka, but you shout her name and struggle with the man, him barely pushing her onto the ground. You and the man struggle, eyes locked, Ayaka's scared face behind you.
"Not on my watch, buddy." You say. He grunts. He takes a swipe at you but you dodge it and grab hold of his wrist. He yanks his arm back, the edge of the knife grazing your wrist, leaving a small cut. He takes another swipe at you, but this time you dodge it and get behind him. He turns and takes another swipe. This repeats, you not having anything to fight back with. The man starts to tire, and you finally get him to the ground. "Y/N..!" Ayaka whispers. "It's okay, Ayaka. He isn't gonna hurt you; no one is." She takes big breaths, calming down.
You bring the man to the detective agency and Sango takes him into her custody.
While you are walking back to the Kamisato Estate through where your house is, Ayaka gasps.
"Y/N, is this your house?"
"It's quite close to where the body was found." You look at her with realization but you try to hide it so you don't worry her.
"Be careful." Her simple words of caution pull at your heart. You smile.
"Your arm!" You follow her eyes to where the knife cut you, more blood than you expected dripping down your arm.
"I'll be fine. Let's go, I can't drop you off late."
The place where Mailyn usually sat, empty, sets you uneasy. I wonder if Heizou looked into her disappearance?
Ayato thanks you at the gate, and then you walk home. You look over your shoulder a lot. When you return home, you feel like you're being watched. You can't shake the feeling. You fall asleep late, thinking of Heizou to try and calm your nerves.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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