Part two - Day 1

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It was your first day as Lady Ayaka's bodyguard, and you had woken up at 5:00. You didn't want Heizou and the others at the agency to start the day without your meat skewers, sandwiches and your signature raccoon designed cupcakes, so you prepared some last night after work. You left a note on the box of cupcakes and left the box on your desk, saying, 'Please enjoy, I made enough for everyone to have two of everything, --(Y/N)'.
Then you got to the Komore and ordered the usual - saying hi to Thoma, and Taroumaru, too of course - and gave the money to Mailyn. Now it was 6:54, so you rushed to Kamisato Estate, just in time to see Lady Ayaka exit the estate about 20 seconds after you arrived. You sighed with relief, as you greeted Ayaka at the gate.
"Good morning, Lady Ayaka-",
"I'm going to Komore Teahouse," she cut you off, walking past you. You followed behind, as she made her way down the road with a rather quick pace.
When you arrived, she went straight to Taroumaru, and pet him only twice on the head before continuing down the hall. You went to Taroumaru as well, and pet him. "Who's a good boy?" Taroumaru barked happily, his tail wagging behind the counter as you smiled.
You noticed Ayaka looking at you in the hall, and returned to her side.
You felt that the sweet, kind, selfless girl was a bit different than the glory stories spread across Inazuma. But that wasn't your job. You just had to make sure she didn't get hurt, and returned safely back home. But even so, you wondered, even worried if her mood was because of something you had done.
"Ayaka!" Thoma's bright and cheery voice broke you from your thoughts as you followed Ayaka into the room. "(Y/N)!" You smiled, "Hello again, Thoma." Ayaka shot you two an odd look. "You two know each other?" Thoma giggled. "Mhm! She buys tea from Komore Teahouse every day. She's also very sweet, and a lot of fun to be around! So, what brings the two of you here?" Ayaka sighs. "She," she looks at you, "is my bodyguard, for however long my brother thinks I need one." Thoma nods. "Which can only mean that you're here to buy some tea! And maybe... Chat with a friend?" Ayaka giggles. "I'd love to, Thoma."
You spend about an hour and 45 minutes sitting at a table as Ayaka and Thoma talked and drank tea. "Hey, so how's Heizou?" Thoma asked, breaking you from your thoughts as you placed your tea cup on the table. "He's good. He recently solved a missing person case, so he's really happy about that." Thoma giggles. "Yeah? Well that's great!" You smile, and pick up your tea cup again, and take a sip. Heizou was doing good, but he seemed a bit off this month. It wasn't anything worrying, but this was Heizou. "Uhh, (Y/N)?" Thoma smiled, breaking you from your thoughts.
"Oh- sorry!" Thoma giggles. "It's alright. You seem real fond of your partner~" he teased. "Thoma!" You blush, as Ayaka gives you a look. "Ahem. Um, he just seems a bit off this week. It's probably nothing, so don't worry about it." Thoma nods.
"Well it was nice to see you two! See you next time!!" Thoma waves goodbye to you and Ayaka as you walk down the street. "Where to next, Miss Ayaka?" You ask.
"Ogura Textiles," she replied, a hint of annoyance in her voice. You nodded and let her lead the way.
You had time, but not that much. Ogura Textiles definitely had to be the last place unless you'd be late.
"Lady Ayaka! Good afternoon. What can I do for you?" The woman working at Ogura Textiles brightly asked. "Mio, no need to be so formal. It's only me." Mio had an embarrassed look on her face. "Hehe, it's fine! Um, could I please buy a new Kimono? I'm looking for a light purple color." Mio quickly nodded and scrambled to find her list of every Kimono and it's color, shape size etc. "Of course. Could you swing by to pick it up tomorrow at around... 2?" Ayaka smiled. "Yes. Thank you Mio, have a good night," Mio scribbled down Ayaka's name and waved goodbye with a smile.
"I want to go for a walk by the beach," she told you as she stopped walking and turned to you. "Oh- I'm sorry, Lady Ayaka, it's too late. I have to bring you safely home in 30 minutes!" Ayaka sighed, and turned, resuming her walk. "But there's always tomorrow! I'd be happy to walk by the beach with you." She replied with a small "okay," as you arrived back at her house and dropped her off. You were about to head home, when Ayato came out and started walking towards you. "Thank you for returning my sister safely home. We appreciate your assistance," Ayato smiled. "My pleasure. Really. She's a very nice girl." He chuckled, nodding. "Yes, I'm just worried. She wasn't very keen when I told her that I was assigning her a bodyguard, I just hope she isn't taking her frustration out on you." His words fit in your mind like the one missing puzzle piece to finish the puzzle and reveal the picture.
That's why she seemed annoyed earlier!
"No, she's been lovely."
Ayato smiles, and thanks you again, as you return home.
The air is cold and smells like the ocean. A storm is just around the corner. Hopefully Inazuma was ready for it.

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