Chapter 9: Gondor.

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A/N: sorry bout not uploading in a while! I have major writer's block rn and I don't know what to do.

Y/n: wow, Gondor is beautiful

Kylaney: *wakes up from falling asleep on Aragorn cuz they were sharing a horse* hmm wha? o wow, Gondor is gorgeous.

Y/n: *shakes the sleeping Pippin in front of her on her horse* Pippin, time to wake up love, we are here.

Pippin: *wakes up* hmm? oh wow, that's a lovely kingdom. *a/n: imagine him saying that is his thick Scottish accent omg I'm dying*

Aragorn: indeed.

Kylaney: so this place has some orc-ass to kick?

Y/n: yep.

Kylaney: yes! time to kill more orc, shitheads! *a/n: @laneynoir please let me know if I make your character swear too much!*

Y/n: 😂.

Gimli: ima bring their pretty jackass faces to my axe!

Y/n: language Gimli! we have young hobbits near us!

Pippin: I'm not that young! I'm almost 28!

Y/n: you're like a teenager Pips. *a/n: 28 is a teen in Hobbit years. in their years its 15*

Pippin: still! I can handle some swearing.

*they arrive at the gates*

Man: hello, I am Faramir, I presume you are the fellowship? *frowns* where is my brother Boromir?

Boromir: right here brotha! *a/n: I remembered saying that Boromir didn't die in another chapter sooo yeah*

Faramir: please, enter. welcome to Gondor.

Y/n: thank you Faramir.

*they enter*

Kylaney: this. is. fucking. awesome.


A/N: hope you enjoyed! sorry for the SUPER short chapter, I have major writers block and I have no idea what to write. please comment ideas if you have any. please I'm desperate. also just a question, what are ya being for Halloween? I'm being Galadriel.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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