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There was a deadly silence in the sewers. Despite the distance from the surface and the isolation, Kkelea was aware that something was happening. Perhaps Scourge's invasion, or the human counteroffensive, had finally begun. She could almost smell the blood. Fleas, oblivious to all of that, had fallen asleep in her lap. It was hard to believe how naive he could be. Kkelea had long believed that what she felt for him was due to instincts that had awakened with her maturity. Now she knew it was something else, something she didn't understand, that she could only feel. She didn't know what to call it, or if she wanted to.

Pli stood before them, Kkelea's axe in his hands. They did not speak, the gnome just looked in all directions without really seeing anything. His leg twitched restlessly, a sign of unprecedented nervousness. A troll approached them with his characteristic calmness and said to Pli:

"It is time."

Pli looked at him for a long time before asking.

"Time for what? What do you mean?"

"Time to leave. Protect everyone."

The ground began to shake. Fleas stood up, frightened, and hugged Kkelea. Everyone mumbled, confused. It wasn't just Kkelea, no one seemed to understand what was happening. Were the trolls acting of their own free will?

Small holes appeared in the ceiling, bathing the underground room in light. The earth beneath their feet raised, bringing all humans, gnomes, trolls, and hyaenids to the surface. The light of freedom blinded them as no firefly could. How long had the shadow bathed her in its eternal night? Kkelea scanned her surroundings. Behind them were hundreds, if not thousands, of humans. Frightened humans, as startled as they were. She smelled a familiar scent, carried by the crimson wind of battle.

"Look, here comes Scourge," she said to Fleas. She did not know why she felt so happy.

She wanted to run to him, but Vali's hand took her. Kkelea looked at her, her terrified eyes making her realize the reality. The troll's words, 'protect everyone', to whom were they addressed? To Pli? To Fleas? Or to her?"

The gnomes understood what was happening, sent the humans back and formed a protective cordon. They linked their hands like a fragile chain of flesh. Scourge stopped, glared at the gnomes, and shouted:

"This is your last chance to rid yourselves of human tyranny! Stand aside or die with them!"

The gnomes who had been with the Red Moon Empire laid down their weapons and went to meet their brethren. Many were family, friends, or complete strangers, but of the same species. Pli cut off Scourge. It was like watching a flea take on a lion.

"Taurid, your intentions are good, but your actions are not. Many of the people you have killed, or plan to kill, are our friends and brothers. Yes, some are cruel, sadistic or slave traders, but not all."

Zanarah approached him. He knew that rabid face. She let go of Fleas and Vali and ran as fast as she could, her leg stinging with every step.

"Stop, Zanarah, listen to his words!"

At the sight of her, Zanarah's eyes widened as if she were a ghost. Kkelea thought she would run beside her, but she remained motionless, overwhelmed. She felt soft footsteps on her back. It was Vali. Zanarah bared her teeth and threw herself at her. As she passed her, Kkelea grabbed her tail and stomped on her paw, tripping her. Zanarah jumped to her paw, turned and lifted her by the scruff of her neck. She was not afraid, never again would she turn a blind eye to the injustice done to those she loved.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"If you want to kill her, you'll have to kill me first."

Zanarah released her. Kkelea fell to a sitting position. The girl grabbed her shoulder; with a quick movement, she hugged her like a newborn and looked at Zanarah.

"What would your mother say?"

"My mother was wrong about many things, and this is one of them. I may be wrong too, but I understand now that some lives are worth living."

Scourge also approached. Kkelea thought he would listen to reason until she saw his eyes. She wanted to warn Zanarah. He punched her away and turned to Kkelea.

"Kill her."

She felt all the expectant glances. No one said a word, no one even breathed. Kkelea hugged her even tighter and closed her eyes. The girl started to cry. Kkelea told her not to be afraid and licked her face. A rumble shook the earth... They were alive. Kkelea raised her head. Zeppel stood before her, staring at Scourge. Her left mace cracked from the collision with the taurid's iron head, and shrapnel from what had once been her weapon clattered to the ground. Zeppel turned, smiled at her, and said:

"A promise is a promise."

Zanarah got up and ran to her mother.

"Stay behind me, everything will be fine," Kkelea said to Vali.

She looked at Pli. He nodded, handed the axe to a human and the human threw it at her. The axe bounced on the ground, Kkelea picked it up and stood next to Zanarah and Zeppel. Though she could not replace Helirah, Kkelea would be the third head of the Beast. Scourge glared at her in anger and exhaled loudly through his nose.

"The war is over, Scourge," Kkelea announced.

"No," he replied, glancing at the castle to his right, "not yet.

Scourge ignored them and charged at the guards with his invincible power. Kkelea tried to stop him, but first she left Vali with Zanarah.

"She's very slippery, don't let her get away."

Zanarah lifted her by the shirt and raised an eyebrow.

"You are big and strong, like a mountain," Vali said. Zanarah smiled.

On the way, Kkelea took a quick look at Fleas and... he wasn't there! She looked in all directions, but couldn't see him. Could it be possible?

"That fool!" Kkelea cursed and hurried to the castle.

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