she and the girls help you during an autistic meltdown (requested)

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"Lisa, Y/N!" Rosie smiled as you and Lisa walked to the table the girls were sitting at. "We're so happy you made it!"

"Us too!" Lisa smiled as the girls stood up.

She gave them all hugs before they hugged you too and then you took your seats in the booth across from them.

"We haven't ordered yet, we wanted to wait for you two. So take your time and figure out what you want." Jisoo said.

You opened the menu and looked through all of the delicious options.

"Everything looks so good," Lisa said.

You were trying to stay focused on deciding what you wanted to eat but you were a little distracted.

It was hard to stay focused when things in the background were hard for you to ignore.

You're more easily bothered and overwhelmed by things than most people are.

It's not as though you can control it though since you're autistic and Lisa and the girls are completely understanding of that.

"Everything okay, baby?" Lisa asked you as she noticed you seemed to be a little distracted.

"Yeah." You said as you anxiously chewed on your lip.

Lisa could tell otherwise though.

She knows you better than you know yourself and she could tell that something was bothering you.

It was the ticking of the clock in the restaurant on the wall just above the booth, the baby crying, and the loud voices around you.

It was so overwhelming and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't escape it.

"Baby?" Lisa said as she closed the menu.

She put her hand on yours but you pushed it away before you covered your ears.

"Stop it, stop it!"

You hadn't meant to shout or bring attention to yourself but you were so overwhelmed.

You tried to block out the noise but you just couldn't escape from it.

And right away, Lisa knew what was happening.

You were having an autistic meltdown.

Lisa didn't even pay attention to the others in the restaurant.

She didn't care who saw what was happening and she didn't care how they reacted.

She only cared about you.

And the girls felt the same way as they blocked everything and everyone else out to focus on you and Lisa.

"Lisa, what should we do?" Jennie asked. "Can we help somehow?"

"Hang on," Lisa said. "It's okay, my love."

"I can't! Make it stop!" You screamed.

You started to kick and hit the table as you flailed around, unable to control yourself.

Lisa knows from experience what to do in these situations.

Try to stay calm, empathize, and use just a few words.

You're overwhelmed enough and she doesn't want to make it worse.

Tears fell down your face and Lisa wanted to wipe them away but she didn't want to overwhelm you more with touch.

"It's okay, darling. I'm here."

"We're here too, Y/N," Rosie softly spoke.

"Everything's okay." Jisoo quietly but comfortingly spoke.

"Do you want to go home? Should we get  out of here so you're more comfortable?" Lisa asked.

"I don't know... I don't know!" You yelled.

"Okay, that's okay, baby," Lisa said as she gently touched your shoulder.

She didn't tell you to calm down and she didn't push you in any way.

She just tried her very best to comfort you and help you through this as the girls all tried to do the same.

You yelled, screamed, hit, and kicked things around you.

But Lisa and the girls weren't bothered by it at all nor were they bothered by the reactions from people nearby.

Some even got up and left but it wasn't your problem and it wasn't your fault.

"We're here for you," Rosé said softly from across from you.

It took you a few long minutes to come down from everything.

Lisa knew you had to ride it out and just let it run its course.

But when you calmed down, when things finally stopped overwhelming you, you took a look around and found that Lisa and the girls were still right there.

"There we go, sweet girl," Lisa said. "Can I touch you? Is that okay?"

You nodded slowly, feeling a little needy for her comforting touch.

She put her arm around you and you exhaled shakily as you held onto her.

You felt some eyes on you, making you feel bad about everything that just happened.

"You guys can stop staring!" Jisoo protectively said as she looked at everyone. "Mind your own business!"

People mumbled and occasionally stared at you but they stopped and looked away when Jisoo would glare at them.

"Do you want to go home, baby? If you're overwhelmed, it's completely okay if we leave." Lisa said.

"Why don't we all go back to your place and order some takeout? Maybe then, you'll feel more at ease." Jennie suggested.

"I'm sorry." You said as you hung your head.

"Don't be. It's not your fault!" Rosie spoke as she reached across the table and placed her hand over yours.

"Sometimes, you go into sensory overload and you have meltdowns. That's understandable. It happens. We don't judge or hold it against you whatsoever." Jisoo said.

"We love you just the way you are, baby. You have nothing to be sorry about. These things happen, it's okay. We love you just the same." Lisa assured before kissing your forehead.

"Could we go home then?"

"Absolutely." Lisa smiled.

"We'll meet you both there. Promise." Rosie said.

You and Lisa got up and exited the restaurant as the girls followed.

Though there was a slight change of plans, no one was upset with you about it.

Whatever made you more comfortable, Lisa and the girls were on board with it.

They would always be here for you, no matter what.

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