the girls interrogate you to see if you're good enough for Lisa (requested)

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"So, Y/N," Jennie said as you and Lisa sat down in the living room.

Rosé and Jisoo were also there because today, you're meeting the girls.

You're very nervous about it though Lisa tells you every time you feel too nervous that they're going to adore you almost as much as she does.

But still, this is a big step and you only want to make the best impression.

"What are your intentions with our girl?"

"Guys," Lisa said because she knew the question had caught you off guard.

"It's okay." You told Lisa, gently placing your hand on her thigh. "Well, uh, I really like her and I care a lot about her. I only want the best for her."

"So do we. That's why we're so protective of her." Jisoo spoke.

"You do understand that, right?" Rosie asked.

"Of course. I understand that you've all been through a lot together and you're as close as sisters. But trust me, I care a lot about her."

"She likes you a lot," Rosie said. "I don't think I've ever seen her fall so hard or so fast for someone."

You smiled upon hearing that.

"Good. Because I like her too."

"We want to like you but we need to make sure that you're not going to hurt her," Jisoo said. "Because she's like our little sister and we would do anything to keep her safe and happy. If you ever break her heart, I swear, we will break you."

"I completely understand."

"You're not in the entertainment industry. That's fine, we don't judge. But you better not be using our girl." Jennie said.

"I would never!" You quickly said. "No, I genuinely care for her. I could never use her."

"What do you do for a living?"

"I already told you," Lisa said.

"We know. We just want to hear it from her." Rosie said.

You told them about your job and they seemed accepting of it.

"That's cool," Jisoo spoke. "And do you see this as something long-term? Or are you going to end up breaking her heart?"

"What? No, of course not. I'd never break her heart." You said. "I mean, we've only been together for a little while but I'd love to be with her for a long, long time."

"Would you say you'd like to get married and have a family with her someday? Because we know how much she wants that, especially with you." Rosie said.

"I'd love that more than anything." You said with a little smile as you looked at Lisa, who was smiling back at you.

"Lisa has a lot going on a lot of the time. You know there will be days she can't be with you or times she'll have to leave, maybe even for months on end? You can handle that?" Jennie wondered.

"Yeah. I know she's busy a lot of the time and is one of the most loved idols ever. I know she won't be able to be by my side all of the time. But I believe that our love is strong enough to survive anything, even distance for months."

"And you know that she gets a lot of hate sometimes and people can be unkind? They can shove cameras in her face, even yours if your relationship ever becomes public. What would you do in that situation?" Jisoo asked.

"Comfort her and remind her how loved and appreciated she is. I would tell her that people that hate her are bitter and jealous people that have nothing better to do with their lives. I'd make sure she knows that she matters and she's more adored than she'll ever know. And as for the paparazzi, I'd keep her safe. I wouldn't let her get hurt, not ever."

"And if your relationship gets leaked and people are mean to you, what would you do? Would you tell her it's too much or not worth it?" Jisoo asked.

"No. I'd know that I have her to lean on and that I can get through anything with her by my side." You said. "I wouldn't let anyone ruin what we have. Not even intense hate could get me to leave her or stop loving her."

The girls all looked at each other before looking at you and Lisa.

"We like her." Rosie smiled.

Lisa grinned happily as she pulled you close.

"She's good for you. You seem happier than ever and so in love. We absolutely love to see that and we're happy for you." Jennie said, beaming happily.

"We know that with her, you'll always be safe and adored," Jisoo said to Lisa. "We hope she stays around for a very long time."

You breathed out a sigh of relief as Lisa squeezed your knee.

You were more than happy that they approved of your relationship and that they liked you.

And, with that, you knew that your future with Lisa was very bright.

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