Chapter 5

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"Remind me again why I'm stuck here with you?" Nunew said with a frown, hands across his chest while Zee was driving towards the basement parking area of his apartment.

Zee smiled and humored the beauty. "Because your tires were slashed and you don't have a ride. There's no taxi outside because of the bad weather. And again because of the bad weather its not safe to continue driving. So here we are, you'll spend the night here in my apartment building. You remember now?"

Zee put the car in parking gear and turned off the engine. He removed his seat belt and step out of his car and run towards Nunew's side but the beauty had already opened the door. He frowned at him but the beauty just rolled his eyes.

"This just feels too contrived. How convenient that the place you stayed in is too near when you decided that it's not safe to drive anymore. If I didn't know better, I'd say you planned this."

Zee can't help but laugh hard. Of course he didn't planned this. But Nunew have a good point; it did seem like somebody planned the whole situation. He locked the car and ushered the beauty into the lift. Nunew's phone rings the moment they step inside. The beauty quickly answer it.

"Hey, did you get my message?" The shorter man smiled while talking to his caller.

He leans his back on the wall and watch Nunew's expression on the glass door of the lift.

"I'm trying to call you awhile ago but you are not answering." The beauty stop for awhile to listen to his caller. "Oh, okay. I'm really sorry, Luke. I'll pick him up tomorrow. I'll be there tomorrow the whole day, anyway. I'm going to make it up to you."

Zee didn't even realized the tension building on his stomach or how his jaw clenched while listening to Nunew's conversation to a man named Luke. A genuine smile touched the beauty's plump lips and he found his muscles tensing further.

"Okay, thank you. See you tomorrow, Luke." Nunew was still smiling as he return his cellphone to his bag. The beautiful man lifted his head and their eyes met. The beauty's smile automotically disappear.

"What?" Nunew's voice had the usual acid tone he always used on him. He avoid the beauty's gaze.

"Nothing." He said.

The elevator opens and Nunew took a big stride out. Zee watched the beauty's hips sway naturally as he strode to the hall. He deeply sighed and followed him.

The door of his apartment opens revealing his JiMin Grandma.

"ZeeZee! You! I told you not to drive on weather like this." The old woman quickly hugs him and he can't help but laugh.

"I'm okay, Grandma. I have someone with me."

The old woman quickly untangle herself away from him when she heard that. Her eyes fall on the shorter man beside him. Nunew stood there, his pretty face tensed as his grandma stared at him intensely.

He was about to open his mouth to tell his grandma that she had nothing to worry about but the old lady beat him. His grandma quickly embrace Nunew like her long lost grandchild. Nunew's big eyes widened at him.

"Are you ZeeZee's lover, sweetie?"

Zee felt his cheeks heated. "Grandma, Stop that." He whines.

"Well, you are the very first one that he ever brought here. ZeeZee never brings anyone even in New York either. Not even his friends. You must be very special to him."

Zee covered his grandmother's mouth and then smiled sweetly at Nunew. "Grandma is starting to have memory loss. By the way, Grandma, this is Nunew Chawarin. Nunew, this is my JiMin Grandma."

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