To you putting your cold hands underneath their shirts to warm up...

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Blaise Zabini:

- It was early morning and the dorms were freezing so you decide to press your hands against his chest to warm them up underneath his shirt

- Flinches pretty hard and grabs your wrists to push them away

- "Merlin, that's cold. Give me your hands i'll warm them up for you."

- Will grab your hands and bring them to his mouth to blow hot air and them

Draco Malfoy:

- Grabs your wrists as he pulls your hands away from his stomach when you went to hug him from behind

- "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

- Turns you around to take your palms and rub them together in his own

- Is cautions around you when its cold 'cause he knows you're going to pull that shit again

Mattheo Riddle:

- Would probably let out a scream like the drama queen he is as he tries to scoot away from your hands as he takes them from underneath his shirt

- Tackles you onto the couch in the common room and holds your wrists together so you cannot touch him

- "I know something that could warm you up."

- Would end in a heavy make out session ngl 🫣

- Definitely makes sure your hands warm up after and presses kisses to them

George Weasley:

- George was already in bed in his bedroom in the burrow when you joined him one evening

- It was Christmas break and it was freezing as he liked to sleep with the window cracked open and you slid underneath the covers, shivering

- You slid your hands underneath his shirt and he fliched away from you, eyes wide

- It was as if you hit him in the stomach by the way he moved away from you

- "That's what you get for opening your window in the middle of winter." you said

- Would roll his eyes and pull your closer, warming you up underneath the covers

- Would probably pinch you playfully as you pressed your cold feet against his legs too

Harry Potter:

- He had his back to you and it was the middle of winter and you were freezing so you decided to slide your hands underneath his shirt and press them to his back to warm up

- Almost has a heart attack as he jumps away from you

- "Merlin, don't ever do that again."

- Will hold your hands instead to warm them up for you

- Will definitely do it to you too the next day

Tom Riddle:

- The moment you put your hands on his back underneath his shirt he flinched away from you with a glare

- Would not be amused at all

- "Don't ever do that again."

- Much to his own annoyance he would mutter a spell so the air around you would become warmer

Ron Weasley:

- Would absolutely flinch away with a yelp

- Tries to get out of your reach so you cannot do it again

- Would smack your hands away

- "Bloody hell, you're going to be the death of me."

- Would hold your hands to keep you warm

Fred Weasley:

- You'd been clingy all day and wrapped your arms around him a tight hug, which he returned

- He didn't respond when you slid your hands underneath his shirt and onto his back, something you did often but when you pressed your freezing fingers into his skin he swore loudly

- Grabs your wrists and takes your hands away with a playful glare

- "That cold, huh? Here, let me keep you warm before you turn me into an icecube."

- Will rub your hands together to warm you up and pull you into his chest

- Will press kisses on the back of your hands and nip at your fingers to make you laugh

Theodore Nott:

- You're in class and can barely keep your eyes open as professor Binns drones about on about history

- Its cold and Theo is so warm so you rest your head on his chest and slide your hands underneath his shirt and onto his stomach

- He takes in a deep breath from the could and peers down at you

- "Cold, sweetheart?"

- Lets you keep your hands there

Lorenzo Berkshire:

- Yelps loudly when you come up to hug him and splay your hands on his bare back

- "Merlin, sweetheart you're freezing."

- Lets you keep your hands there even if he gets goosebumps everywhere

- Will wrap a blanket around you to warm you up

How the Hogwarts Boys would react/act... Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now